~dream life🌴

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Backstory: your name is Harper-rose, your a kook who really doesn't like being a kook, you don't have many friends because you hate the kooks and the pogues hate you but that was soon to be changed at midsummers.

"Mum seriously there is no way in hell im wearing this!" You exclaimed while looking in the mirror "do not raise your voice at me and you will be wearing this because your representing our family so put a smile on and get in the car" she stated sternly. I groaned to myself and walked grumpily to the car.

We arrived at the midsummers party and we all took a seat. Mum and dad went off to talk to some fancy people probably about money and business. We had been here for at least an hour now and it was 9 o'clock. I saw a boy a pogue helping his father and I didn't have anything else to do so why not help.

"H-hey do you guys need any help." I asked with a smile and the dark skinned boy turned to face me "no it's fine you go and enjoy the party" the boy said "no really I hate these things I'm so bored I'll help" I said picking up the brown box from the truck.

They didn't say anything else until we finished about 30 minutes later "hey thanks for helping, I'm Pope by the way" he said with his hand out, I took it "nice to meet you too I'm harper-rose" "Woah as in like kook princess" I groaned at the name "I hate that name but yes that's me" I said disgusted. "I really thought you'd be a stuck up bitch not going to lie" he said nervously and scratching his neck "most people do but I mean they care more about shoes than sur-" I was cut off my a girl approaching with brown curly hair "surfing, I know right like what are we meant to do with that" she said with a smile "I'm kiara you can call me kie I think we will get along great nice to meet you" I shook her hand giggling at her "Harper-rose nice to meet you too kie" after chatting with kie she went off to her parents so I went to the dance floor, when I spotted Sarah dancing.

"Hey girlll" I said as I tapped her shoulder, shes one of the only kooks I can stand. "Omg hey rose" she said hugging me tightly. We were both dancing enjoying the party when a tall, blonde, handsome guy in a suit approached us and tapped Sarah on her shoulder handing her a note they said something about vlad but i was to busy staring at the muscular tanned, blue eyed boy infront of me until I stopped to notice he was staring back at me and Sarah had gone.

I nervously looked to the floor as he approached me "wanna dance?" He asked sweetly "of course" I said taking his hand. He spun me around and we swayed to the music "I'm JJ by the way" "nice to meet you JJ I'm harper-rose" he looked shocked and I rolled my eyes "anyway Harper-rose you need a nickname so hows kook princess" I groaned in response "ok maybe not... how about princess or maybe rose?" "I like them, and for you I'm thinking blondie or maybank" I said as I ruffled his hair. "I love them" he replied with one last spin as the song ended.

We stood staring at each other until JJ noticed rafe and his 'gang' approaching and looked angry "I gotta go see you around princess" he squeezed my hand and ran. Woah I hope I see him again, he's so sweet and really cute but why was he running I brushed off the thoughts and went to grab a drink.

I saw a guard walking JJ out. "Bro I got legs I can walk yous see them" he said getting everyone's attention "rose looking like lady liberty" he said pointing to Sarah's step mum making me chuckle "it's ok everybody just leave it to the men and women in uniform" Clapping his hands before downing a drink, woah that was hot "stop! You can't just boot him i invited him I'm a member of this club" kie shouted her parents telling her to stop. Now or never I thought "I'm a member to and I also invited him so let him go!" I shouted grabbing kies hand and we smiled at each other "thanks" she whispered. Everyone was shocked giving JJ the time to push of the guard "kie let's go attendance meeting at rixtons you to pope throw off the chains let's go" he whooped the two ran towards JJ to were John b was waiting woah I wish I had their lives.

"Y/n!" My mother shouted I rolled my eyes "are you serious what was that about your grounded this is how you want to represent our family you should be ashamed of yours-"
"Yes mum ok I know I'm an embarrassment but the truth is I don't fit in here at all and you know it and I'm sorry I'm not your perfect little daughter but I can't stay like this I can't stay trapped in this place I hate it so much" and after that I ran tears filling my eyes. "What have I done" I whispered to myself breaking down in tears in the sand.

Hours had passed and I hadn't moved it was 12:00 o'clock. "Princess!?" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned to see JJ which gave me a warm feeling inside. "Oh hey blondie" I chuckled as he took a seat next to me. "The views beautiful isn't it" I asked once I'd calmed down "yes" he replied but as I turned I realised he was looking at me. I had butterflies and I looked down to hide the fact was blushing. We both laughed and talked for a while longer.

"So how come your not at the party?" He asked "well...after I stuck up for you my mum was really mad and I let go of all my emotions and anger on her and ran and here I am" "well thank you for standing up for me but you look cold" he asked looking at my bare shoulders I nodded in response "here" he said handing me his hoodie I took it gladly. It smelt like weed, alcohol and salt water and I absolutely loved it. He put his arm around my shoulders as I rested my head on his shoulder.

To be continued~

~Sorry this one is long, hope your all doing well, leave me some suggestions thanks love you all 🎀🤍

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