~dream life pt2🌴

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It was so calming the waves, the sunrise, the birds and most of all JJ. "Hey princess" I looked up to meet his gaze "ye jay" "we should probably get going we can't stay out all night" he said as he stood from the sand. I looked down to my feet "hey rose what's up" he asked kneeling down placing his hand on mine "I can't go home not after tonight I don't have anywhere else to go" "it's ok you can come with me stay at John bs they'll love you I mean kie already does I'm sure John b will too" I grabbed his hand and stood from the sand. "Really thank you so much" before he could say anything else I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him so tight and when I finally released him we hopped in the van on our way to the chateau.

"Hey guys I got a surprise" JJ shouted as we walked in. "God JJ if that's another fucking gun I'm going to through it in the oc-" she was interrupted as she saw me enveloping me in a very tight hug. "Hello to you too kie" we both giggled "ok this is pope who you've already met" as the blonde boy pointed towards the dark skinned boy "hey Harper" "hey pope" I said giving him a hug. I looked around the room "it's great to meet you all again... and you must be John b I'm harper rose" I said looking towards the long curly brown haired boy "nice to meet you to Harper" we shook hands and all just hung out for a while.

It was now around 2o'clock kie and pope had left and we were discussing were we were all sleeping "no I always sleep on the bed she can have the couch" JJ said "JJ she's a guest and has nowhere to go" "then we share that's fair" JJ said calmly "ok fine if it's ok with Harper" they both looked towards me "I'm cool with that" I said not really bothered at all.

"Hey rose you can't stay in them clothes how about u borrow some of kies shorts and my T-shirt" he said handing them to me "thanks blondie" I said and ruffled his hair and went to the bathroom to change when I over heard the boys speaking. "Oh rose I think you should wear my T-shirt oh rose we can share the bed" John b impersonated JJ earning a slap "what...don't act like you don't like her your all nice and mushy when ur around her" he said making kissing noses "shut up bro I'm not mushy" he said sternly John b gave him a look "fuck ok yeh she's really sweet and man she's fucking beautiful and I do like her in fact I think I love her ok but she'll never like a pogue, a disappointment, someone like me" "bro dont say that it's clear she likes u I mean it's not but kie told me it was" he said. I can't believe kie would tell John b about my feelings for JJ.

I walked out of the bathroom "hey boyys" 'hey' 'what up' was what I got in response. "I think I'm gonna chill outside on the hammock if that's ok" "yeh sure make yourself at home" John b said with a smile "thanks oh and JJ thank you for the shirt I really like it" he scratched the back of his head nervously "yeh I-it's cool it looks re-really good on you"
I stepped up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek and headed out to the hammock.

JJs pov:
I was frozen in the same position not moving "bro you good...hellooo...JJ." "Bro she just fucking kissed me what the fuck" I shrieked like a little girl on Christmas "bro chill she can probably hear you" JB laughed "I can't bro I don't know what's gotten into me every time I see her or speak to her I have this warm feeling she gives me butterflies bro I feel weak" I said "is jj in loveee" John b cooed "bro shut up" i said pushing him away "dude you have to tell her, I mean she obviously likes you" "She doesn't like me JB" "you don't know th-" "bro I do know that she is like a 10 and I'm like a 3 seriously dude she's never gonna like me" "she just fucking kissed you she's sharing a bed with you she's literally wearing your top and hoodie I pretty fucking damn sure she likes you so tell her how you feel bro trust me" "ok fine but if I get rejected and it fucks up our friendship it's on you" "ok fine I'll take the blame" JB replied "now go get your girl"

Harper's pov:
I was laying down in the hammock when I heard the door opening "hey princess" JJ said "hey bubba" I replied smiling "well that's a new one" he chuckled "I know you like it if you don't i don't have to us-" "hey I love it it's perfect" he said as he laid next to me. "So blondie why you out here" I asked as I curled into his chest "well there was something I wanted to talk to you about actually" he said scratching his neck "ok..." I motioned for him to go on "ok here goes nothing...I like you a lot and i don't know I think I love you, from when I first saw you on that dance floor I loved you your perfect and sweet and whenever I see you I get this warm feeling and I get butterflies nobody has ever made me feel like that ever. I love you Harper-rose" I froze before speaking "JJ I can't believe this wait you like me seriously omg I feel the exact same I can't help but stare every time I see you you give me butterflies whenever you look at me and wait you were being serious right this isn't a joke" before I could process it my lips were connected with JJs and it was the best thing ever. We finally pulled apart "does that show it wasn't a joke" he chuckled "I love you too JJ maybank from the first time I saw you" "whoop told you bro I'm always right.... yessss kies going to be so happy... smile for the camera" John b said clearly excited. Me and JJ exchanged looks and started to laugh. I loved this boy so much and he was finally mine.

~leave me some suggestions love yall have a great summer🌴💛

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