~freedom pt2✨

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I woke up the next morning on the pull out couch at the chateau and made my way to the kitchen "hey y/n" kie said "hey" "you best get ready me and Sarah are taking you shopping today" she said with a huge smile, I hugged her so tight "thanks kie I'll go get ready" and I walked to the bathroom to change.

"Let's go girls" Sarah shrieked grabbing mine and kies hands and pulling us to her car. The boys walked out behind us and stood on the porch "bye JB love you" Sarah shouted "love you too" he replied "bye boys" kie shouted earning a smile and wave from them "see ya later y/n" JJ said waving "bye JJ" I said and waved back, as we pulled out the drive way and headed to the shops.

JJs pov:
"So guys what are we doing whilst the girls are gone?" I asked the boys "I don't know wanna go on a boat ride" John b said "yeh sure" I said and pope nodded following us the the hms pogue.

We set off music playing, talking and drinking. "Soo...JJ" John b said with a smirk "what" I laughed "you and y/n" he said wiggling his eyebrows "bro stop" I said hitting his shoulder "don't act like you don't like her" he said "we know you do" pope said "ok fine...yes...I like her ok happy now" I said both boys cheered and hugged me.

Y/ns pov:
"Omg...why didn't you tell me my hair looked like a rats nest" I said as I looked into the mirror in the dressing room "it's not that bad" Sarah said "is y/n trying to impress someone" kie said wiggling her eyebrows. I stood frozen not saying a thing "omg y/ns gotta crushh" Sarah sang, I just gave her a playful glare and we all laughed.

After we were all done we were heading back to the car "so y/n I'm really curious who's your little crush" kie asked "n-nobody I don't like anyone" I said feeling the blush rise to my cheeks. Both girls gave me a knowing look "ok fine fine... I like JJ" I said shyly "yessssss" Sarah shrieked they both hugged me before we headed back to the chateau.

We pulled into the driveway and spotted the boys out on the hammocks and we decided to scare them. "Ok I get JB kie u get Pope and    y/n you get JJ okay?" Sarah said we all nodded and creeped down the side of the house "on three" kie whispered "one...two...three" and with that we each jumped onto them, earning a girly scream from pope, a groan from a sleepy John b and a laugh from JJ.

I was laying on the hammock with JJ, our legs intertwined "hey princess how was your day" he asked "it was amazing" I smiled to him "good" he said hugging me to just chest. "hey there's actually something I need to tell you" he said looking me in my eyes "okay" I said "you look nervous you ok" I asked taking his hand in mine "um yeh well actually okay basically I like you, like more than a friend" he said looking nervously down to our hands, I gave him a huge hug and whispered into his ear "I like you too JJ" we both leaned in and before I knew it our lips were attached and I felt alive for the first time in a long time. As we both slowly pulled away all we heard were the celebrations of the others. We enjoyed the rest of the night together and it was great.
sorry this took so long but a lot has been happening recently and I haven't had chance to be writing but I'm back now so leave your suggestions and thank you all so much for 2k reads that's crazy I love yall stay safe xoxo😻✨

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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