~truth or dare❣️

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Backstory: your one of the pogues kiaras little sister to be precise. Y/n (you) have always been seen as the baby everyone takes care of you but you have feelings for JJ, but nothing would ever come of it.

It was our usual Saturday night routine after a late night surf we would all stay the night at the chateau and have our own small party.
We pulled up outside the chateau, everyone cheering and running to the kitchen to grab beers, but I'd never been much of a drinker. I wasn't as excited as usual and I honestly don't know why. But a familiar voice soon brought me out of my thoughts "hey sup sis?" John b asked. He's always called you sis and he was like the brother you never had. "n-nothing" you stuttered keeping back your tears. The truth was you were in love with JJ and he didn't like you back and that's all you could think about when staring at him.
John b quickly caught on, he was basically your brother after all, wrapping his arm around you and whispering "you like him don't you?" I gave him a questioning look "I see the way you look at him, you like JJ don't you?" I nodded and sobbed into his shoulder.

After a few minutes me and John b were lay in the hammocks, peacefully watching the night sky slowly become light. My eyes felt heavy, but I suddenly woke when I felt something weigh down the hammock at the end. I look up to see John b no longer in his hammock and JJ at the end of mine. "hey sunshine we're all inside about to play a game you coming?" He asked quietly and surprisingly sober. "I'm tired I don't wanna move" I replied in a sleepy voice, and with that I felt his arms wrap around me as he carried me inside like a baby and sat me on the couch next to him and John b. I layed my head on JJs lap and put my feet up on John b.
"Let's play truth or dare" kie said excited and all the boys agreed. "I'm good you guys can play" I said opening my eyes fully. 'Boring' 'pussy' 'come on' was what I heard from the others, so I sat up and spoke "fine I'll play but I'm picking truth every time"
After a few goes John b turns to JJ with a smirk "JJ truth or dare" "dare obviously I'm not a pussy" he replied poking y/n who returned by slapping his arm. "I dare you...to...kiss y/n" the room fell silent, me and JJ stared at each other. "Dude that's my little sister!" Kie spoke up. We all looked to kie "a dare is a dare kie" and with that JJ placed a hand on my cheek slowly and softly kissing me. As we pulled away I was so red and butterflies filled my entire body. Woah I just kissed JJ, the boy I've loved since we met.
Pope spoke next "ok y/n truth or dare?" Kie was still staring at JJ in aw that he just kissed her sister. "truth" I said to pope "ok...how do you feel about JJ?" He asked with a smirk. The butterflies came back and my cheeks were pink "I-I..um-m he's...I mean he's one of my best friends and yeh he's hot I guess " I said hiding my cheeks. "Ooh does y/n like JJ" Pope said "hey you already asked me a question you don't get two" I said "fine" he replied.  
After going round again it was JJs turn "truth or dare JJ" "truth" he replied to John b. "Ok...do you have a crush on anyone?" I looked up from his lap "yes" he said with a smile immediately causing me to frown. "What's wrong princess" he said stroking my hair "nothing its fine" I was hurt he liked someone else, I knew he didn't like me like that but he liked someone over me.
"I dare you to go jump in the marsh fully clothed" Jj said to kie she groaned and stood up "Pope I dare you to do it too" John b said "fine" he replied and they both walked out to the porch groaning. "Oh I gotta get this on video" John b said running after them.

"Ugh" I groaned about to stand to go after them but a hand grabbed mine. "Stay...they'll be fine plus I wanted to talk to you" the blonde boy said as you lay your head on his shoulder still holding his hand "what you want to talk about?" I asked "ok I'm just going to say it...I like you like really like you y/n and I know we're friends and your sister will hate me for saying this but I think I love you y/n and it's ok if you don't feel the same I mean u probably don't I'm so stupid I shouldn't have said any-" JJ said but was cut off by me placing my lips on his "I like you too JJ and you don't understand how long I've wanted to do that" I chuckled as he attached our lips again.
"Yess finally omg this is actually happening I'm such a genius!" John b exclaimed after seeing jj and y/n kissing. "JJ that's my sister you asshat!" kie exclaimed causing us all to laugh and us to pull away. "But I guess if you take care of her then it's ok with me" she laughed as I embraced her into a hug. "Thank you" I said. We spent the rest of the night cuddling, watching movies and eating popcorn. Today just might have been the best day of my life.

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