~drunk words are sober thoughts☺️

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~ your name is Lydia and you've been close with the pogues since day one, they've always been there for you and you basically live with john b at the chateau but recently your feelings have been more towards a certain blue-eyed boy.

I was drunk, really drunk the music was blasting the bone yard was packed with kooks, pogues and tourons. I was dancing with kie, when our favourite song came on. We were screaming it at the top of our lungs getting everyone's attention, most of who joined in laughing and dancing.

I spotted a certain blue-eyed boy flirting with a brunette, who I didn't recognise, probably another touron. I rolled my eyes and walked to sit alone. Nobody knew about my crush on JJ and they couldn't because of the rule 'no pogue on pogue macking' but I couldn't help it if I liked him. Pope came over, noticing I was alone and upset, "hey L what's up" he asked taking a seat next to me "oh nothing" I sniffled "well it must be something if your crying" he said wiping a tear from my cheek I didn't even know fell.

We sat in silence but a comfortable silence until I looked to pope "I like him and I have a fat crush on him but he doesn't like me back" I said sadly another tear falling "who" he asked, I didn't answer as he followed my gaze to were the blue-eyed boy stood talking with JB. "You like JJ" he laughed, I gave him a look and rolled my eyes "oh you're not joking you really like him" I just hummed in response more tears falling "I don't know why though he's just always there for me and he makes me feel safe" "well you have to tell hi-" "no!... I can't tell him he doesn't like me back and he never will" I said breaking down completely "ok-ok I think it's best if we get you home" I nodded as we headed to the van as pope gathered the others.

I must have fell asleep on the way back "L...hey Lydia...we're home" the soothing voice of JJ cooed as I opened my eyes "morning sunshine" he said happily "ugh" I groaned not moving. He scooped me up like a baby, headed into the bedroom, covered me with blankets and kissed my forehead "goodnight L" he whispered "night j" he smiled walking out.

I groaned waking up with a really bad headache I don't remember a damn thing. Pope entered my room "well look who's awake" "shut up" I said throwing a pillow "do you remember last night" he asked "n-no why was it bad god what did I do" I said "well...you may or may not have unleashed your unconditional love for JJ" "oh no who did I tell" I asked "just me and I told kie but that's it" "phew at least he doesn't know" I said sighing.

Pope left leaving me to get ready for the day I put some light washed denim shorts a blue bikini and simple white crop top. "Hey sunshine" JJ said entering the room "heyyy" I said smiling "someone's happy" he said laughing "yeh I guess I just enjoyed last night" we both laughed and went to the others out back.

As we sat JJ put an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to his chest, I started to blush and kie smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at her and turned to JB "so what are we doing today" "I don't know wanna go out on the boat" "hell yeah" JJ shouted "yesss" I shrieked JJ grabbed my hand pulling us both to the hms pogue.

We found the perfect spot, dropping the anchor and taking our shorts and T-shirt's off me and kie both jumped into the water, we came up laughing and splashing each other. "I think he likes you back" kie whispered I gave her a confused look. I followed her gaze to JJ who was staring at me, our eyes met and we both looked away quickly. I giggled as a blush appeared on my cheeks.

Back at the chateau we were all chilling when kie got a text "hey guys umm I have to go last minute shift at the wreck" "I'll go too dad will be worrying" Pope said "I can give you guys a ride" jb said. I went over to kie "byeee" I said pulling her into a hug "see ya later pope" I said saluting him which he returned before they got into the van. "Hey wanna smoke" JJ asked holding a blunt "is that even a question" I laughed following him to the hammocks.

"Hey L" I hummed in response "umm...I spoke to kie and pope-but before you say anything I want you to know I feel the same way and they only told me you liked me because I told them first" he said nervously "wait so you like me back" i said meeting his gaze "yeh I mean your beautiful and so fucking nice" I laughed and so did he. We stared into each other's eyes, getting lost, my arms around his neck and his around my waist, we both slowly leaned in and before I knew it I was kissing JJ who was now mine. "Kies going to be so happy" I said our foreheads touching "so is jb and pope" he said we both laughed just enjoying the moment.

~please leave some suggestions thanks for reading love you all 🥰✨

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