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Background: all pogues and Sarah have been reunited. Y/n= your name. Your a pogue too but never get let out the house so after dark you sneak out to surf.

Y/ns pov:
It's the usual late night routine for me get home lock myself in my bedroom wait for dad to pass out drunk on the couch and then sneak out my bedroom window because the door is too loud.

I put on a bathing suit with some shorts and a T-shirt over it, grabbed my surf board and headed to the beach.
When I arrived there seemed to be a party taking place so I decided not to intrude so stayed in the car put some music on, grabbed a beer from the back and rolled a blunt.

The sun was starting to rise and people started to leave the party so I decided to surf, the view was perfect and the waves were great I tried a new trick and to my surprise I got it i was so happy.

JJs pov:
"Woah bro did you see that" I said hitting pope on the arm after seeing the girl surfing "dude she's like better than you" I just scoffed at him "what's going on" kie asked "this girl she's like crazy good at surfing" pope said "she's not that good" I replied in a pouty childish way.

"Heyy girllll" I heard Sarah shriek to kie in a high pitched voice as they hugged "sup bro" John b asked "nothing but you won't believe how good this girl is at surfing she's better than me" "that's impossible" he laughed but watched her "woah dude that's crazy" "I know right, why do you think she's alone?"
"Maybe we should talk to her" kie said "omg yess another girl I love it" Sarah shrieked as they ran to the water.

Y/ns pov:
I heard some people talking further down the beach but it didn't bother me so I carried on surfing for a while until I got tired. I was sat on my board watching the sun rise but to my surprise I wasn't alone.

"Hey...excuse me" a blonde girl said "oh hey sorry if I like intruded I was just leaving anyway" "umm no actually we were wondering if you would want to hang out sometime" she said pointing to kie as well "sure I guess" "ok and by the way I'm Sarah and this is kiara we call her kie" "great to meet you guys I'm y/n but who's 'we'?" I asked wonder who else called her kie. "Me and the boys John b, Pope and JJ" she said pointing between the boys. "Woah he's cute" I whispered to myself but obviously not quiet enough.

"John b is mine just saying" Sarah said laughing "oh um no I was talking about the blonde one JJ is it?" "Yessss and omg-" "he's single you guys are so cute" Sarah started but kie cut her off. We all laughed together "I don't even know him" I said looking towards him "well his name is JJ, he's a great surfer, he smokes weed a lot and he's really sweet" Sarah said "oh and also you can get to know him better now at the campfire you should come it's always fun" kie said "I'd love to" the three of us made our way back the the boys.

They had already set everything up and where deep in conversation "hey babe" "he boysss" Sarah and kie said as they each took a seat "this is y/n everybody" "y/n this is pope" kie said "hi pope great to meet you" "this is John b" Sarah said "you can call me JB it's great to meet you y/n" he said "nice to meet you too" I said "I'm JJ it's nice to meet you y/n" "you too JJ" I replied getting lost in his blue eyes. "take a seat get comfortable" JB said so I took the empty seat next to JJ.

Kie and pope were cuddling as were John b and Sarah so I assumed they were couples. I kinda felt awkward so I was relieved when JJ asked me to help him grab some more drinks from the van.

"So y/n were abouts you from?" "I live with my dad near the marsh" I replied "really I haven't seen you round much" "yeh I don't really have friends I don't go out much" I said kind of sad admitting it "well you should hang with us more often I mean your really chill, you surf like us and plus it's nice not having to be a fifth wheel" he said and we both laughed. "Thanks JJ" I said shivering from the breeze as we walked back to the others "hey you cold?" He asked handing me a hoodie "yeh thanks" I said putting on the hoodie and pecking his cheek causing him to blush.

We all decided to go back to the chateau and spend the night there JJ and i got the beers and the others layed in the hammocks "JJ?" He hummed in response "by any chance do you guys smoke sorry to ask I know it's rude but I could really use a blunt right now" "yeh hey no problem" he said handing me the blunt out of his back pocket "thanks".

I went to sit with the girls "heyyy" kie and Sarah said "hey" "where did you get that from" Sarah asked pointing to the blunt "umm JJ gave it to me" both the girls looked shocked like I was a ghost or something "w-what you guys are freaking me out" then out of nowhere they both randomly start screaming with joy and hugging me. "Ok now that's over someone tell me what's going on" "ok y/n JJ never shares weed with anyone not even JB his best friend since 3rd grade so-" "he definitely likes you like 100% plus the way he looks at you" they said kie finishing Sarah's sentence. "Do you like him?" Sarah asked "I mean yeh he's cute, he so sweet and he's like really hot how could you not like him" we all giggled and drank some more and at this point I was hyper and a little buzzed from the alcohol.

The two couples were dancing to the music, me and JJ sat watching. It was my favourite song and I really wanted to dance with him but I couldn't come out and say it that would make it so awkward.

JJs pov:
This was my favourite song and I really wanted to ask y/n to dance but I just couldn't she makes me weak and so nervous. John b approached me and whispered something "ask her to dance bro, we got nothing to lose right" he said with a wink and a smirk.

As I walked over to the beautiful blonde girl my heart was beating so fast I was so nervous "hey y/n...so umm...I was wondering maybe if you wanted to dance" I asked scratching my head anxiously "thought you'd never ask" she replied smiling making me smile too.

Me and the boys were sat inside and the girls by the docks. I couldn't keep my eyes off of y/n "yo bro...dude seriously...JJ you gotta tell her that you like her plus kie said she liked you back" I snapped my head towards JB "what...she likes me back...omg should I make a move" "yes dude goo"

Y/ns pov:
"Hey princess" I heard JJ say from behind me "hey blondie what's up" "umm can we talk please" he asked the two other girls left smiling at me I rolled my eyes. JJ took a seat next to me "ok so I'm just gonna say it I like you like really like you and ever since I met you I can't stop thinking about you and your just perfect I don't know I really needed to tell you and jb said you might like me back but it's fine if not-" I started chuckling at how nervous he was "was something funny?" He asked giggling "it's just really cute when your nervous" we both laughed and then I spoke up "I like you too JJ" I said planting a kiss on his lips and pulled away "wait really wo-" I kissed him again to shut him up this time he kissed back it was passionate but gentle and I loved every second of it. 'Whoop' 'go gurlll' 'that's ma boy' 'yesss' 'finally' was what we heard from the others we both laughed and went inside to cuddle slowly falling asleep.

~this one is quite long so thanks for reading leave some suggestions love yall 💗✨

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