~flower girl 🌸

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Backstory: your name is rose and as a kid you were lonely until JJ and John b came along and ever since you guys have been inseparable but you've always felt different towards JJ.

~flashback- 3rd grade
I was so thankful that it was the last day of school before summer, I hated that place. I was in my usual spot on the swings drawing. 'Loner' 'freak' 'get a life' 'nobody likes you' is what the other kid would shout. I started tearing up at the names until two boys approached me.

"flower girl!" A blonde boy shouted noticing the flowers I was drawing, I turned to face them and they each had a cheesy grin "hi" the brown haired boy said "can you leave please" I said still drawing the roses "actually we heard what the other kids were calling you so we were wondering if you wanted to play" he asked "People don't really like me so it's fine you two should go" I said "hey" the blonde boy said "hi" I said "you seem really lonely so we thought we should talk to you" he said sitting on the swing next to me "ok" I said.

"Oooh what ya drawing" JJ asked taking your sketch pad "woah that's really good" he exclaimed "thanks" I said "ok flower girl my name is JJ and that's John b and we're your friends now" he said "r-really you want to be friends with someone like me" I said kinda shocked "yes and I'm gonna be your bestest friend forever" JJ said I chuckled at his confidence "ok well then my names rose and it's great to meet you both" they both smiled and we played together all summer it was awesome.
~end of flashback
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, I turned over to see JJ still fast asleep. We've always shared the pull out and the truth was I didn't mind one bit. "Heyy rose" John b said from the kitchen "hey JB what we doing today" I asked "don't know wanna go on the boat" "yess" I shrieked with excitement quickly running to the bathroom to shower and change.

I walked out to see JJ still asleep "hey j" I said slightly shaking him "wake up" and he didn't even budge so I stepped back and jumped onto him "wake up JJ"he groaned turning to meet my eyes "your dead" he said and before I knew it he was tickling me and I could barely breathe. He finally stopped so I stood from the bed "asshat" I said sticking my tongue out "that's it flower girl" he said chasing me through the chateau. I made it out the back until he tackled me to the floor and pinned me down "say sorry" he said "or what what are you gonna do about it" I said laughing "you'll see" he said as he tickled me again sending me into a fit of giggles "o-ok ok I-I'm s-sorry" I said he finally released his grip and we both made our way to the hms pogue.

"You two love birds good to go?" John b asked we both rolled our eyes and sat on the boat. I was laying down tanning at the front of the boat "hey flower" JJ said sitting next to me "hey blondie" I said "want to go for a swim" he asked "why not" I giggled as he helped my up "on three" he said taking my hand "1...2..." "3!" I shouted then we both jumped in. We came up splashing and laughing until we realised how close we were to one another "h-hey" JJ said nervously clearing his throat "h-hi" I said. Both getting lost into each others eyes "would you two get together already and kiss" John b shouted we turned to him and looked back to each other "listen rose" JJ said "I know we're bestest friends" making me giggle at the term from 3rd grade "but I like u a lot I mean ur so perfect and beautiful" he said wrapping his arm around my waist "well maybank" I said wrapping mine around his neck "I feel the exact same way" I giggled but before I knew it I was kissing JJ and John b was jumping around with excitement. "Your my flower girl now" he said and we both laughed at the nickname from 3rd grade. We spent the rest of the day together it was amazing, I think I love this boy.

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