Message to the readers

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A/N: Thank you all for sticking out till the end. And thanks for voting. A special mention to bazzingaaaa (Sruthi), Anushka, HashithaG, and AakashSethia for supporting me throughout the story.

The title of this story 'Left With Words' reveals the hero's state after he lost his fame in the past. Only the ability of playing with words remained with him. But they became his weapon; both in his professional and personal life. 

What I wanted to convey through this story, was the way the hero achieves success with all his little doings; like helping out In Ha during her house shifting, forgiving Su Ni during her wrong doing, connecting Mr. Park to Suga, and unveiling about the bribery, etc. Tae did not do all these with the intention of earning favor in return. He only did what was required for the situation. And they all had in turn helped him in his journey towards success.

What I personally learnt from this story is that we should grab whatever opportunity comes in our way, even if it is irrelevant of our goals. Because every opportunity will indirectly contribute to our ultimate goal; and that includes every little thing that we do everyday, such as mere appreciation of someone, forgiving someone, or sacrificing for someone. For it's the smallest things in life, that pave way to biggest achievements.

LEFT WITH WORDS || KIM TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now