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In the van, Xiao Zhan was immediately tied up. Xiao Zhan reached for his phone in his back pocket and immediately pressed the speed dial.

Just then, the van jerked and the phone dropped in between the seats. Lucky for Xiao Zhan since the men started searching him. "Hey, he has no phone"

"Are you serious? Someone in this day without a phone? Check properly or we will be in trouble!"

Xiao Zhan did not let them check easily, trying to get rid of their touches. "Let me go! Where are you taking me?"

One man who had been watching silently smiled "Hey, I like him. Let's take a detour and go for a few quick rounds"

"Are you crazy? If she finds out we touched him, who knows what she might do. We don't know what she wants him for"

"She? Who's the she? Are you sure you got the right person?" Xiao Zhan asked as he struggled.

Another man shook his head and took a cloth, pouring some unknown substance on it. Xiao Zhan's eyes widened as the man covered his nose and mouth with it.

Xiao Zhan struggled but his eyelids felt heavier and heavier and they soon closed on him as he was knocked out.

The other men stared at him and he scoffed "What? He is annoying. Besides he should know nothing. Take your eyes away from me and hurry up to the abandoned house.

Shit, of all places why there? Fucking abandoned house always creeps me out. This guy is definitely not on her good side"

The quiet man nodded "That's why we should enjoy him a little first"

The driver knocked his head "Shut up, we shouldn't act out of our boundaries. Just let me drive in peace"

Meanwhile, Darren was frozen still, listening to every single word. He had pressed the recording button the moment he heard another voice saying 'Hey, he has no phone'.

Darren got his senses together and tried not to panic. But he still did. Darren quickly called Yibo but no one picked up.

Yibo might still be sleeping so while heading to the location, Darren called the cops and the FBI and CIA and Interpol and left a few text messages for Yibo.

The abandoned house is well known. There was only one in the area. It was a distance away, right at the edge of this town.

It had all sorts of cases there. Murder, suicide, drug dealing, rape, kidnaps and assaults.

The police has tried to destroy the house but the government did not allow, since it existed for hundreds of years, the house belonging to the famous couple, Hanguang Jun and Yiling Patriarch.

Hanguang Jun and Yiling Patriarch had the most noble love story which made everyone dream and have hope.

When they reached their old age, they died together because they decided they didn't want to live without the other.

The government wanted to keep the house to remind people how great love is but being at the edge of the town where not much people live, it was the perfect place for crimes.

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan had already been brought to the house. He was tied up against a chair as a woman approached.

"Who are you... Why are you doing this?" Xiao Zhan asked. He had never seen this woman before.

The woman pulled a chair and sat in front of Xiao Zhan with a smile. "I am Emily Qi, or you can call me Yibo's fiance"

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened before narrowing "Yibo has already broke off the wedding." Emily frowned "That's because you stole him. So I will steal him back"

"I didn't steal him! He chose me!" Xiao Zhan argued and Emily signaled something to the guards, who came up and delivered a few hits to Xiao Zhan.

"You stole him. That means I just have to get rid if you. This place is famous for all sorts of crime. What a perfect way to disgrace the love of Hanguang Jun and Yiling Patriarch"

Xiao Zhan gasped. "Don't insult their love" Xiao Zhan said. He is a huge fan of their love story, hoping his would be as nice.

Emily laughed "I'll let you stay here and torture you while you think of their great love. Say, do you prefer raped and beaten to death, or maybe you prefer wild animals tearing you apart?"

"I prefer to live?" Xiao Zhan said and Emily raised a brow "... That's not funny. And I'm talking to myself"

Xiao Zhan was not that afraid. Emily... She would not really do such acts right? She is probably just scaring him right?

Darren stopped outside and when he was approaching the house, two men came out. Darren hid and waited till they walked past before attacking them from behind.

Darren then looked through the window and saw Xiao Zhan tied up, with a lady in front of him. There was also a group of men in there.

Darren looked around and wondered what where his chances. Can he fight all of them while protecting Xiao Zhan?

Darren saw another two men coming out. He hurriedly dragged away the previous two to his hiding spot and waited to do another sneak attack.

When he was done, he dragged them away too and looked in. There were still 5 men inside and Xiao Zhan and the woman were talking.

Darren waited for a little but when no one was coming out, he decided to make a little noise outside. He heard the woman asking two men to find out while the other three stay.

Darren smiled as he waited again to pull a sneak attack. One of them had fast reflexes but Darren who had continued training even after he had stopped learning managed to take both of them down.

Darren was thinking if he should just barge in and fight the rest or not when the door was suddenly opened and three bullets were fired, all at him.

Meanwhile, Yibo had already woken up. He immediately sat up when he realised Xiao Zhan was not in bed. Yibo went to the living room to find the house empty but smiled when he saw the note Xiao Zhan left him, saying that he is going to the store.

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