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Dan was on a bus and was heading to Kansas to spend time with his other family in the country for the summer.

Dan then looks at the 4th wall.

"Hi everyone, as you know my name is Dan Hunter and as you saw last time I went to space with my friend Kali and met the Robinson family and now sadly I'm heading to the country life because my parents think it will be good for me to stay here for the summer, but I hate the country. But the good news is that I'll get to spend time with cousin Dorothy Gale and she lives with her aunt and uncle. Their from my dad's brother side of the family I think. But anyway I'm on a bus right now and heading to their house"

Just then the bus stops and that makes Dan look away from the 4th wall and he grabbed his suitcase and got off the bus.

He then sees that it's cloudy here like always and then he heads to their house since he knows where they live.

As he walked he saw his cousin at the farm.

"Dorothy" she looks at him.

"Dan" Dorothy says and walks to him and they hug "I'm glad you could make it" he then saw that something was bothering her.

"What's wrong Dorothy?" Dan asks. She then tells him what happened "wow, she sounds like a witch"

"That's because she is one" Dorothy says "and now I'm worried that she'll do something"

"Don't worry, I'm on your side"

Dorothy then try's to tell them on what happened and they were so busy that they told her to stay out of trouble.

"A place without any trouble" she look at Dan and Toto "do you think there is such a place?" Dorothy asks "there must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train" she looks at the sky "it's far far away. Behind the moon...beyond the rain"

She then begins to sing.

"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a Star
And wake up where the clouds Are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
A way above the chimney tops
That's where you'll
Find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then
Oh, why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why oh, why
Can't I?"

After she was done singing Dan and her went into the house and his stuff away.

Meanwhile Miss Gulch was on her bike heading this way.

Just then she showed up and she wanted to talk Mr. gale and his wife about Dorothy's dog and they go in.

"That dog's a menace to society. I'm taking him to the Sheriff to make sure he's destroyed" Miss. Gulch says.

"Destroyed! Toto?" Dorothy says "oh, you can't! You mustn't!"she looks at them "auntie Em! Uncle Henry!" She walks to him and and then back to her "you won't let her, Will you?"

"No. Of course we won't" uncle Henry says and looks at aunt Em "uh, Will we, Em?"

"Please, aunt Em! Toto didn't know he was doing anything wrong" Dorothy says with worry and with sadness "I'm the one that let him go in her garden, I'm the one that ought to be punished" she touches aunt Em shoulder "you can send me to bed without supper"

"If you don't hand over that dog I'll sue and take your whole farm! There a law protects folks against dogs that bite!" Miss Gulch says.

"How about if she keeps him tied up? He's really gentle" aunt Em says "with gentle people that is"

Miss Gulch stands up and picks up the basket and opens it "that's for the sheriff to decide and I'm taking him in this. So that he doesn't bite me again" and she pulls out a piece of paper "this order right here allows me to take him. Unless you want to go against the law"

She hands over the paper and they read it.

"I'm sorry Dorothy we can't go against the law. I'm afraid poor Toto has to go" aunt Em says.

"Now your seeing reason" Miss Gulch says.

"No" Dorothy says as she backs away holding Toto close. And she walks to Dorothy "no, no! I won't let you take him!" She hits the basket and she gasps "you go away or I'll BITE YOU MYSELF!" Dorothy yells as she protest against this.

"Dorothy!" Aunt Em says and she looks at her and then back at Miss. Gulch.

"You wicked old witch! Uncle Henry, aunt Em" she looks at them and Miss Gulch tries to grab Toto as Dorothy protects him "don't let her take Toto"

They then fight over the dog.

"Put him the basket, Henry" aunt Em says.

And he takes Toto away from her as he puts the dog inside.

Dorothy then cries and runs to her room and slams the door.

Aunt Em was going to go to Dorothy, but she went to Miss. Gulch instead.

"Now Almira Gulch, just because you own half the county...doesn't mean you have the power to run the rest of us! For 23 years I've been dying to tell what I thought of you! And now....well, being a Christian woman, I can't say it!" Aunt Em then walks to her room and slams the door.

And Miss. Gulch was shocked and looked at Henry as he sits on the chair.

Dan then walked her out and when she wasn't looking he unlocked the basket and watched her leave.

He then went back to see Dorothy and she was crying on her bed.

Half way gone Toto got out of the basket and ran back to the house and then barks and jumps into the room through the window and Dan smiles and Dorothy was so glad he was back.

"Toto, darling!" She hugs him "oh, I got you back! You came back!"she looks at Dan "but how?"

"I walked her to her bike and when she wasn't looking I unlocked the basket for him to get out" Dan says. She then hugs him "I'm not going to let that woman hurt my cousin"

They then break the hug.

"They'll be coming back for him at any moment" Dorothy says while holding him.

"Then what do you want to do, because I'm with you" Dan says.

"We have to run away!" She then gets a suitcase and packs.

When they were ready they left the house together.


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