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As they walked they came to carriage and they met a man and he tells them that he knows everything.

Dorothy believed it, but Dan didn't.

Dorothy then goes inside the carriage and Dan stayed outside.

After a few minutes she comes out worried.

"What's the matter Dorothy?" Dan asks.

"We have to go back" she grabs her suitcase and runs.

Dan then runs after her and just then the wind started getting stronger.

Meanwhile back at the farm there was twister coming that way and they were trying to get all the animals to safety from the twister.

While aunt Em was trying to find Dan and Dorothy, but she couldn't find them.

They all looked for them, but the twister was getting closer and so they had to go into the storm cellar even though aunt Em still wanted to look for them, but they wouldn't let her and then close the storm cellar doors.

They all looked for them, but the twister was getting closer and so they had to go into the storm cellar even though aunt Em still wanted to look for them, but they wouldn't let her and then close the storm cellar doors

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Meanwhile Dan and Dorothy were almost at the house and they saw the twister was getting closer.

The wind was really powerful and Dorothy pick up Toto and when they make it to the front gate and thanks to the wind Dan kicked it open as then they went into the house.

Dorothy calls out for aunt Em, but no one was home and so they went to the backyard where the cellar was and they tried to open it, but it was locked.

"AUNTIE EM, UNCLE HENRY" Dorothy yells trying to get their attention, but no luck and so they went back in.

They then went to Dorothy's room and when she called aunt Em again the wind blew her windows off and it hit Dan and Dorothy in the head and they blacked out as the house got lifted into the air.

They then get woken up by a rooster and they look at the window and they saw a lot of things and then Dorothy went to the window and looked down and gasps and looks at Dan and Toto.

"We must be up inside the cyclone" Dorothy says.

Dan then looks and then they the one person they didn't want to see.

"Oh! Miss. Gulch!" Dorothy says.

They then see her changed into a witch as she cackling wickedly.

Just the house was thrown out of the twister and the house began to fall and they scream and Dan covers Dorothy and just then they hit the ground and Dan fell to the ground and Dorothy landed on the bed.

They then stand up and walk out of the room and then walk to the front door and walk out and they looked around.

"Guys, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" Dorothy says "we must be over the rainbow"

Dan Goes To OZ ✅ Where stories live. Discover now