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When they got back home they were so happy.

Dorothy got to see all the people she cared about again.

And Dan was happy for her, but he decided to say goodbye and then he left with Verago right by his side.

And Dan was happy for her, but he decided to say goodbye and then he left with Verago right by his side

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His bracelet glowed a portal appeared.

His bracelet glowed a portal appeared

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"What's that?" Verago asks.

"It's a portal and I think my bracelet just gave me the ability to travel anywhere through the portal and I think I know where we need to go" Dan says.

"Where's that?" Verago asks.

"My friend Kali" he looks at Verago "you can't look like this in this world or bad things could happen and so I think Kali can fix that"

"Ok, I trust you" Verago says.

They then walk right through the portal and they ended up at Kali's front door.

Dan then rings the bell and after a few seconds the door opens and it was Kali.

"Oh, Dan. What a surprise" Kali says hugging him and then she saw him "King Verago what are you doing here?"

"I'm no king Ma'am" Verago says.

"But you are a king, your the king of all the jaquins" Kali says.

"All my kind are gone thanks to the witches in Oz" Verago says.

"Oz? But jaquins aren't in Oz, I've been there years ago" Kali says.

"Wait, you've been to Oz?" Dan asks. And Kali nods "then we better explain, but let's do that inside before someone sees him"

"Good idea" Kali says "come in"

They then go in and they explain what happened and Kali understood.

"I get it now" Kali says "you were sent to a different Oz from the one I went too with my chicken friends back in the day and I believe you went to another world of Oz and that could explain why jaquins could be there" Kali then looks at Verago "I am sorry about you losing your kind" he nods "so why did you come here?"

"Well, you have other powers that I don't and I was wondering if you could change his appearance so that he looks normal" Dan says.

Kali smiles "I can do that" she takes dan's bracelet and pulls out a small piece of it from inside and puts it on Verago and then waves her hand on it and it glows "there"

"What did you do?" Verago asks.

"I gave you the ability to become any animal you want, just think it or say it" Kali says "try it"

"Ok" Verago says and thinks of an animal and they saw him become a big black dog ""what do I look like?"

"Your a dog" Dan says being impressed "and you have a collar that almost matches your green and blue fur and wings"

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"Your a dog" Dan says being impressed "and you have a collar that almost matches your green and blue fur and wings"

"Your a dog" Dan says being impressed "and you have a collar that almost matches your green and blue fur and wings"

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"That collar will allow you to change your form to whatever you want" Kali says.

"Wow" they both said.

They said thank you and they left and went home.


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