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As they walk in they saw a lot of people wearing green.

"Cabby! Cabby!" They walk to the man with a horse "just what you're looking for. Take you any place in the city, we does" he says.

"Will you take us to the Wizard?" Dorothy asks.

"The Wizard? The Wizard?" He says and thinks for a second "yes, of course. But first I'll take you to a place...to where you can tidy up a bit"

"Oh, thank you so much!" They get on the carriage "we've been gone such a long time, and we just feel mess" she stops "what kind of a horse is that?" Dorothy asks and The horse was purple.

"I've never seen a horse like that before" Dan says.

"No, and never will again, I fancy. There's only one of him, and he's it" he says "he's a horse of a different color you've heard tell about" he laughs and the carriage moves and he sings.

"Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las
That's how we laugh the day away, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!
Bzz - bzz - bzz, Chirp - chirp - chirp - And a couple of La - di - das
That's how the crickets crick all day, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!
We get up at twelve and start to work at one.
Take an hour for lunch and then at two we're done.
Jolly good fun!
Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las
That's how we laugh the day away, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

Pat, pat here, Pat, pat there, and a couple of brand new straws.
That's how we keep you young and fair In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

Rub, rub here, Rub, rub there, Whether you're tin or brass
That's how we keep you in repair In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

We can make a dimple smile out of a frown.

Can you even dye my eyes to match my gown?

Jolly Old town!

Clip, clip here, Clip, clip there, We give the roughest claws.

That certain air of savoir faire, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

Ha - ha - ha - Ho - ho - ho - Ho - ho - ho - ho -
That's how we laugh the day away In the Merry Old Land of Oz!
Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - Ha - ha - ha -ha - ha
That's how we laugh the day away, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!"

After they were fresh in up they walked out and just then they heard something and they looked up and it was her.

"Who's her? who's her?" The lion asks being scared.

"It's the witch! She followed us here!" Dan says.

They then saw her writing something in the sky.

"Surrender Dorothy and Dan" the Lion reads.

And they gasp.

The people then started freaking out and was running the Wizard and they followed the people.

When they got there they saw a man telling them to go home and that the Wizard was handling things.

"If you please sir. We want to see the Wizard right away. All 5 of us" Dorothy says.

"Orders huh, nobody can see the great Oz! Not nobody, not nohow!" The guard says.

"But, please! It's very important" Dan says.

Dan Goes To OZ ✅ Where stories live. Discover now