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Dan, Dorothy and Toto have been walking for a while and was far from munchkin land and as they walked they came to a 3 way pass that led them to 3 different ways.

"Follow the yellow brick?"Dan says. As he looks at the paths.

"Follow the yellow...?" Dorothy says "now where do we go?"

"Pardon me! That way is a very nice way" a voice says.

They look around and saw a scarecrow pointing.

"Who said that?" Dorothy asks as she looks. Toto then barks at the scarecrow "don't be silly, Toto"

"Scarecrows don't talk" Dan says.

"It's pleasant down that way too" the voice says.

They look at him and he was pointing differently.

"Wasn't he pointing the other way?" Dan asks.

"Of course,people do go both ways" they then saw him talk and point in both directions.

"Of course,people do go both ways" they then saw him talk and point in both directions

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"Why, you did say something, didn't you?" Dorothy says.

He shakes his head and then nods with a smile.

"Are you doing that on purpose or can't you make up your mind?" Dan asks.

"That's the trouble, I can't make up my mind" scarecrow says "I haven't got a brain, only straw" and he shows them.

"How can you talk if you don't have a brain?" Dorothy asks.

"I don't know. But a lot of people without brains do a lot of talking, don't they?" Scarecrow asks.

"Well, I guess you right" Dan says.

"Well" they walk closer to him "we haven't really met properly, have we?" Dorothy says.

"Why, no" scarecrow says.

"How do you do?" They both said.

"How do you do?" Scarecrow says.

"Very well thank you" they both said.

"Oh, I'm not feeling at all well. You see. It's very tedious being stuck up here all day long with a pole up your back" scarecrow says.

"Oh, dear. That must be terribly Uncomfortable. Can't you get down?" Dorothy asks.

"Down? No, you see, I'm-well, I'm-" he stops.

"Oh, here let us help you" Dan says and they go behind him.

"Oh, that's very kind of you. Very kind" scarecrow says.

Dan Goes To OZ ✅ Where stories live. Discover now