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After the monkeys got us they took us to her castle and the monkeys gave the witch Toto.

"What a nice little dog" the witch says petting him and then putting him in a basket and looks at us "and you 2. What an Unexpected pleasure. It's so kind of you to visit me in my loneliness"

Dorothy then tries to get to the basket, but the monkey stops her.

"What are you gonna do with my dog? Give him back to me!" Dorothy asks.

"All in good time, my little pretty. All in good time" the witch says.

"Give her back her dog or I'll cook you" I then summoned a ball of fire.

"Interesting, it looks like the magic has fully bonded with you but that can be fixed and you" she looks at Dorothy "if you want your dog back then you must give me those slippers"

"But the good witch of the North told me not to" Dorothy says.

"Very, well" she walks to the monkey "take that basket to the river and drown him" the witch says

"No no! Here. You can have your old slippers, but give me back Toto" Dorothy says with tear and fear of losing him.

"That's a good little girl. I knew you'd see reason!" She then goes to touch them, but they shock her and she screams in pain.

"I'm sorry! I didn't do it. Can you still have my dog?" Dorothy asks.

"No! Fool that I am, I should have remembered those slippers will never come off as long as you're alive. But that's not what worries me. It's how to do it. These things must be done delicately or you hurt this spell" the witch says.


Dan then threw the fireball at the monkey and he dropped the basket and Toto got out.

"Run, Toto, run!" Dorothy says.

"Catch him, you fool" the witch says.

"Run, Toto, run" Dan says.

They then watch as Toto got away.

"He got away! He got away!" Dorothy says with relief and with tears.

"Which is more than you 2 will! Drat you 2 and your dog! You've been more trouble to me then you're worth. But it'll soon be over now" she looks at Dan "and you, ruining my plans and using my sister's magic" just then guards showed up "take this boy to Dungeon until I can extract the magic out of him"

The guards then grab Dan and pull him out of the room.

"Dan" Dorothy says with worry.

"Don't worry Dorothy" Dan say fighting to stop them "don't worry about me, save yourself"

They then took him away and threw him in the Dungeon and locked it before he could do anything.

"Who are you?" Dan turns around and saw a creature chained to the wall like a leash.

"My name is Dan and the witch had her guards bring me here" he sits on the ground "who are you?"

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"My name is Dan and the witch had her guards bring me here" he sits on the ground "who are you?"

"My name is Verago and the witch had me brought in here like you" Verago says "so what did you do to get locked up in here?" Verago asks.

"Me and my cousin Accidentally killed the witch of the East her sister and now my cousin has these ruby slippers and I have her magic" Dan says "why are you here?"

"I'm here, because I am the last of my kind. The witch had my kind exterminated Just because of what happened years ago in the past when the wizard came to Oz with a boy and his friend" Verago says.

"Can you tell me the story?" Dan asks.

"Yeah" Verago says " years ago the wizard came on this hot air balloon and at first we didn't know what it was at first but he wasn't alone there was a boy and one of my kind with him they seem very close. They eventually ended up meeting A woman and she knew right away that he was the wizard because his name was the same as this land and there was a prophecy that the Savior would come and save Oz and The evil witch knew of this prophecy and she did everything in her power to stop it from happening. But she couldn't and during his journey he met friends along the way and they fought with the good people of oz and they beat the witches, but they almost lost" Verago says.

"Why is that?" Dan asks.

"The witch had a sister and they teamed up, but luckily The creature that was my kind he found the others of my kind and he got them all to follow him in the battle and after that he became king of our kind" Verago says.

"What was his name?" Dan asks.

"They named him King Verago, my mother named me after him" Verago says.

"What happened to him?" Dan asks.

"No one knows, after the battle he left with the human, but he did say something before he left" Verago says.

"And what's that?" Dan says.

"He said do not worry I will return one day and he said that one day I will be reborn And when the time is right I will save us of all once again" Verago says "After that we never saw him again, he just left with the boy and left someone in charge of us. At first it was peaceful but then the witches came back and They killed every last one of us, but my mom had me hide when I was really young and I saw the witches kill her and once they were all gone I came out of my hiding spot and I was pretty much was alone after that until one day years later the witches found me and I've been here ever since as a trophy" Verago says.

"I'm so sorry" Dan says walking to him "we'll get out of here"

"How? Because I've tried and failed a lot and got hurt by her for doing it" Verago says.

"We'll find a way and that's a promise" Dan says.


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