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As they walked they made it out of the forest and they saw the city.

"There it is" Dan says.

"It's Emerald City!" Dorothy says "we're almost there!at last! At last!"

"Wow" Dan says.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Just like I knew it would be" Dorothy says.

"He really must be a wonderful Wizard to live in a city like that" Dan says.

"Well, come on, what are we waiting for?" Lion says.

"Nothing! Let's hurry!" Scarecrow says.

"Yes, let's run!" Dorothy says.

They then run through the flowers.

The scarecrow and tin man were in the lead of the run.

"Come on! Come on!" Scarecrow says.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Tin man says.

As they ran they came to a little hill and they saw the city closer then ever and they looked at their friends as they came this way.

"Look at the scenery. It's wonderful" scarecrow says.

Just then the others showed up.

"Oh. What's happening? What is it? I can't run anymore. I'm so sleepy"

"Here give us your hands and we'll pull you along" scarecrow says.

Dan then yawns "something is wrong, we shouldn't be this tired"

Dan then falls to the ground and falls asleep.

"Oh, no" tin man says.

"Oh, no, please. I have to rest for just a minute" she looks around "Toto. Where's Toto?" She then sees him asleep and when she tries to grab him she falls asleep as well.

"You can't rest now. We're nearly there" scarecrow says. Tin man cries "don't cry. You'll rust yourself again!"

"Come to think of it" lion says and yawns "forty winks wouldn't be bad"

He then starts falling, but they stop him.

"Don't you start it too!" Scarecrow says.

"We ought to carry Dorothy or Dan and get them out of here" tin man says.

"I don't think I could, but we could try" scarecrow says.

"Let's" tin man says.

"Yes" they then let go of lion and he falls to the ground and falls asleep.

"Now look at him. This is terrible!" Tin man says.

"Here, tin man help me" scarecrow says.

They then try to move them but no luck.

"Oh, this is terrible!" Tin man says.

"I  can't budge them an inch" scarecrow says "this is a spell, this is!"

"It's the wicked witch! What do we do?" He looks around "help, help"

"It's no use screaming at a time like this. Nobody will hear you" scarecrow says and then he starts screaming for help as the tin man cries, but luckily Glinda makes it snow "it's snowing"

"No it isn't" tin man says and then went rusted again.

"Yes, it is!" Scarecrow says "maybe that'll help! Oh, but it couldn't help!" He looks at them and he saw them moving "it does help! Dorothy, Dan, you're waking up!"

"Oh, oh" Dorothy says as she sits up.

And then Dan looks at the snow and the lion sits up.

"Unusual weather we're having, ain't it?" Lion asks.

They laugh.

"Look!" Dorothy points to the tin man "he's rusted again"

"Here give me the oilcan, quick!" Dan says as he stands up.

They all then stand up and oil him to help him move again.

Meanwhile back at the witch's castle she saw the whole thing.

"Curses! Curses! Somebody always helps those brats" the witch says "but shoes or my sister's magic or either of them, I'm still great enough to conquer them. And to those who try to stop me!" She then grabs her broom and goes to the window "to the Emerald City, as fast as lightning!"

She then flys as she cackles heading that way.

Back at the gang they finally got him moving again.

"Come on, let's get out of here" Dorothy says.

And they continue on their way to the city.

When they finally get there Dorothy rings the bell and a little door opens.

"Who rang that bell?" The man says.

"We did" they all said.

"Can't you read?" He asks.

"Read what?" Scarecrow asks.

"The notice!" He says.

"What notice?" They all asked.

"It's on the door! As plain as the nose on my face!" He says. He then points and saw it gone "oh....uh.....oh! Tsk, tsk, tsk" he then leaves the door for a second and then returns and puts a sign on the door and then closes the little door.

"Bell out of order. Please knock" they all read and then knock on the door.

And he reopens the little door.

"Well! That's more like it! Now state your business" he says.

"We want to see the Wizard" they all said.

He jumps a little "the Wizard? But nobody can see the great Oz. Nobody's ever seen the great Oz! Even I've never seen him!"

"Well, then, how do you know there is one?" Dan asks and he looks at Dan and gasps.

"You" he says in a whisper, Dan raises an eyebrow "anyway because he's-oh! You're wasting my time" he then starts to leave.

"Oh, please. Please, sir. We've got to see the Wizard" Dorothy says "the good witch of the North sent us"

"Prove it!" He says.

"She wearing the ruby slippers she gave her and he has the witches magic" scarecrow says.

He looks at them and then Dan and he see Dan make a spark of magic in his hand.

"Well, so they are" he laughs "we'll, bust my buttons! Why didn't you say that in the first place? That's a horse of a different color! Come on in" he says and closes the little door.

And a big door opens and they walk in.


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