Chapter three

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Javier POV

The sun shone in my eyes, making me wake up. There was pounding in my head as I sat up. The covers moved down my body and I realised I was naked.

All my clothes were on the floor like someone ripped them off me and threw it like it was nothing.

Then I remembered, her wavy hair, small skirt, goddess like body in clothes and out. Damn getting hard just thinking about her.

"Morning sunshine." My best friend Lucas burst through the door.

"Morning." I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Looks like someone got laid." Lucas smirked.

"Hell yeah I did. God she was so good. Better than anyone I've ever had." I admitted.

"Do you even remember her name?"

"Actually..." I thought for a second. "No, no I can't remember but I know what she looks like. Maybe I'll point her out to you on Monday at school."

"Alright. Well you gotta go since ma and pa are gonna be back soon. And I'm sure they don't want to see you naked. I'll see you Monday mate." Lucas said then left.

I quickly got dressed then left. I put on my sunglasses then got on my motorcycle. Eventually I got back to my house and went up to my room.

Thankfully my mum and dad were away on a business trip so they won't be home until next week end.

I am an only child so it's easy to get away with stuff. I've got tattoos, I smoke, I have a motorcycle and I have bad attitude. But that's what makes me, me.

All of my weekend is made up of going to parties, getting drunk and high then sleeping with someone. Lucas always throws the best parties with the hottest chicks. That's how I set my eye on that brunette.

Just thinking about her makes me want her even more. Another taste of her. I've never seen her so it's probably a friend of someone's who is visiting.

Eh, who cares, I don't. She was a good fuck and that's it. I never get attached so it's easy for me to break their little hearts and move on to my next victim.

Not so much victim, but more, conquest. All the girls in my school are very attractive but I only do one night stands, or more if they're good.

It was the first time I had, had a girl go on their stomachs and trust me, it is good. Having both her legs on my shoulders was the best feeling ever.

I just had to have her again. The only problem is, is that I don't know who she is. Oh well, I'll just find someone else. Every girl in my school is willing to throw themselves at my feet just to talk to them. Or go as far as being the one to take their virginity.

My only rule was to not take another's virginity, but last night I couldn't keep it in my pants. I had to have that brown headed girl. She was perfect I'm more ways than one.

Soon enough, I was asleep again. Thinking about that gorgeous girl, I need to know her. I need to make her mine.

Hadley POV

When I woke up again, Janet was sat at my desk.

"You alright Janet?" I asked her, sleep lacing my voice.

"Jesus Christ Hadley. I thought something bad happened to you. I thought you were fucking kidnapped." She blurted out and ran over to me, hugging the shit out of me.

"No. But I have to tell you something." I could feel my eyes start forming tears.

"What is it? Why are you crying?" Janet hugged me again.

"Janet, I lost my virginity." I sobbed on to her shoulder.

"That's great hads, but why are you crying?"

"It was javier James that took it. Im so sorry Janet, I know we promised each other. I was drunk and it just-," I started rambling.

"Hadley," Janet cut me off. "It's ok. I'm just a little disappointed that you let him do it." She sighed.

"Was it good?" She randomly asked.

"Janet." I laughed a little and slapped her arm playfully.


"If you must know, it wasn't what I thought it would be. He made me enjoy it, half of me is glad he took it but the other half is pissed off."

"Good. Did you use protection though?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? I'm responsible enough to make sure I don't get pregnant at a young age." I replied immediately.

"Just making sure. Now, I have ice cream and movies. We are spending today and tomorrow binge watching films while eating ice cream." Janet cheered then picked up a bag.

And of course, there was a lot of tubs of ice cream and movies.

"Which one first?" Janet asked me.

"Oh, let's watch bride wars."

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