Chapter seventeen

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Javier POV

I was woken up by something wet on my face. When I opened my eyes, I saw the cutest little puppy on my bed.

"I thought that would wake you up. I got him so you could have company in this room. He's a golden retriever and is yours." Aaron said.

"Thank you. But you didn't have to." I picked up the puppy and held him to my chest.

"He was free and the last one there. So have fun with a dog. I'll be downstairs if you need me." He chuckled then left.

"I'll call you... shadow. It's simple and easy." I laid back down.

Shadow curled up by my chest. I played with his ears for a while before someone burst into my room, making me and shadow look up.

And of course, it was Lucas and Janet.

"Wake up you bum. I have a letter from the fair maiden." Lucas made his voice posh.

"What the fuck? Why is she here?" I looked at Janet with confusion.

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes. "Hadley wrote you a letter. Just give it to him so we can go. I need a ride home."

"Fine. Here, bye bro." Lucas gave me a piece of paper then left, shutting the door behind him and Janet.

'Javier, I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have called you what you're far from. I hope you can forgive me like I forgive you. I was angry and felt used by you, it didn't help with my stupid hormones. I am so sorry and I don't think I can forgive myself for what I said to you. I hate myself more because of it. Please forgive me, or if you can't then at least tolerate me for our daughter. I love the name and I'm going to use it. Now it's only me and you that know. I want to keep it a secret until she's here. Athena lily James. Thank you javier for everything. I love you and I really mean it. From Hadley.'

A smile made its way on to my face through the tears that had fallen. All I wanted to do was go into her room and kiss her but I couldn't. I'm sure I would be kicked out of here if me and Hadley got together.

I laid back on my bed just thinking. Thinking of Hadley, of our baby girl, the future as a family with more kids.

That's when I thought, fuck it. I got up, put on some joggers then went into Hadley room. I poked my head in first, just in case she was awake.

Luckily she was asleep and looked like she had been for a while. "Hadley?"

No answer. Yep, she's out like a light. You could probably bring a wrecking ball through the house and she would sleep through it.

She was quiet close to the edge of her her, laying on her side. There wasn't much covers on her bump so I had a clear view of her.

I went in a bent down near her baby bump. Carefully, I put my hand on it and I felt her kick.

"Hello little Athena." I whispered. "It's daddy again." I felt another kick on my hand. "I know you don't really understand but I really love your mummy. And you, you're my little girl and I'll always be here. I can't wait for you to come, me and your mum are so excited for you to be here. Make sure you don't tire your mum out to much, she's having a hard time with daddy being a dick." I chuckled.

"I hope you know I love you and your mum pequeña diabla." I rubbed my thumb in a circle on her bump. "Love you baby girl." I whispered then kissed Hadley belly.

"And I love you Hadley Rose." I placed a small kiss on her lips then stood up straight.

After a few minutes, I sighed then left. When I closed the door, I saw Aaron and Stacey stood in front of me, making me jump.

"Follame!" I jumped.
(Fuck me)

"Lo siento. What were you doing in Hadley's room?" Aaron raised one eyebrow. (Sorry)

"It's alright. Um I was talking to the baby." I told him.

"So nothing else happened?" He crossed his arms over his chest. I could see stacey trying to hide a smile.

"Depends on what you want to hear. I could tell you the whole thing but I have a feeling you would punch me in the face." I replied.

"What? No why would I do that to my granddaughters dad?" He rolled his eyes.

"I can't tell if it's sarcasm or if you're being very serious."

"He's being sarcastic hun. Don't listen to him. He's only a Hispanic twat." Stacey slapped Aaron's arm playfully.

"Ella sabe que soy de Barcelona derecha?" I asked Aaron. (She knows I'm from Barcelona right?)

"Probablemente no. Ella no tiene un maldito filtro y no sabe a quién va a ofender." He glared at his wife. (Probably not. She has no filter and doesn't know who she'll offend)

"What?" Stacey made herself look innocent.

"He's from Barcelona. Calling me a Hispanic twat is obviously offensive to Javier." Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Shit. I am so sorry." She gasped.

"No ella no es." Aaron immediately shook his head. (No she isn't)

"Stop feeding him lies Aaron. I can't even call you a name because I might insult a teenager and I won't even know it." Stacey sounded worried.

"It's alright. Just be careful when there's a true Latino man around. And their wives, then you'll be fine." I laughed.

"I should have taken Spanish in school." She pouted.

"You wouldn't know how to pronounce half of it bebita. Now calm down. No one was offended so let's move on." Aaron huffed.

"What does that even mean? You call me it all the time and I never know. You could be insulting me and I wouldn't even know it."

"It means baby girl, stace." He rolled his eyes again.

"Tell me the truth, what does that mean?" She turned to me.

"It means baby girl. Trust me I know." I chuckled.

"I like the nickname you gave your daughter. Not many people use it." He laughed.

"What? Pequeña diabla?" I asked.

"Sí." He nodded.

"What does that mean?" Stacey looked confused.

"Little devil. I'm no angel and she's half of me. Guaranteed Hadley will call her an angel, and I'm a little shit so therefore the name fits." I laughed.

"Both of you are devils." She pointed at me and Aaron.

"I'll give you little devil of you don't stop." He smirked.

"Ok. I'll be in my room, see ya." I smiled at them before running into my room.

I heard stacey giggle then their door shut. I want that for me and Hadley one day.

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