Chapter eighteen

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Hadley POV

"My back is killing me." I whined as I sat down on the sofa. "And these braxton hicks won't piss off." I was now good ol 38 weeks pregnant.

"Not long now Hadley. Why don't you go lay down hun." My mum smiled softly at me.

I nodded then stood up. When I was up, something gushed and went down my legs. My mum and dads eyes widened then came to my side.

"Aaron get the bag." My mum ordered. My dad ran up the stairs then came back with mine and Athena's bag.

A contraction came by and a screamed. "Quiero javi." I cried. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Fuck. The one day he choses to leave." My dad mumbled. I didn't really question it since I was having a contraction.

"We need to go." My mum said and my dad nodded.

Eventually, we got to the hospital and I was taken into a room. I was changed into a hospital gown.

"Ok Hadley, you're three centimetres. Do you want anything for the pain?" Jackson asked me.

"No. I want to do this naturally." I told him.

"You do what you want. Who's your birthing partner?"

"I want Javier. But I don't know if he'll come." I cried.

"Alright. Let me go talk to your mum and dad then I'll be back." Jackson smiled at me then left.

Javier POV

"Hey I'm going for a walk. I'll be back by dinner, is that alright?" I asked aaron and Stacey.

"Of course hun. Take as long as you want." She smiled at me then I left.

Obviously I went to the cliff to think. Me and Hadley hadn't spoke much since the notes. We texted once a week maybe. Other than that we didn't talk.

It was still early so the sun hadn't fully come up and I was watching the sun rise. Like always it reminded me of Hadley, so beautiful and bold.

After an hour or so of being at the cliff, I got a call from Aaron. It must have been important if he was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered. I'm so glad I could speak Spanish. Hadley is like her dad, they both speak Spanish when they are nervous, scared or angry.

"Venir al hospital, se rompió agua de Hadley." He said very fast. (Come to the hospital. Hadley's water broke)

"Qué?" I yelled. "Voy en camino." I rushed out then hung up. (What? I'm on my way)

I quickly got up and ran to my friends house. He lived close so if I needed to I could stay there.

"Hey what's up?" He asked me.

"I need to use your bike." I told him.

"Sure. Why?"

"Hadley went into labour. Can I use it?"

"Yeah bro, go." He gave me the keys and I ran off yelling thanks.

I quickly got on it and put the helmet on then took off. Not long after I got to the hospital and ran inside after I parked and took the helmet off.

I went to the maternity ward and found Aaron and Stacey.

"Where is she?" My voice was shaky when I spoke.

"Room 215. She wants you, go in." Stacey pushed me and I ran to find the room.

204... 207... 210... 213... 215 finally. I burst through the door and saw Hadley laid on the bed. He forehead was sweaty, making her hair stick to it.

"Javi?" She cried.

"Yeah baby it's me. I'm here." I ran to her side and held her hand while pushing her hair from her face with the other.

"It hurts so bad. I want it to stop." Hadley sobbed.

"I know bebita. I know. Just breath you've got this. Before you know it you'll have your baby girl in your arms." I kissed her forehead and carried on whispering comforting things in her ear.

About an hour after I got there, Jackson came back in to see how many centimetres dilated Hadley was.

"Alright Hadley. Get ready to push when i say." Jackson told her. "Ok. 3...2...1... push."

Hadley squeezed my hand as she pushed. She cried out but didn't give up.

"You're doing amazing Hadley. Come on you got this." I kissed her forehead.

"Eso es niña. Casi allí lo estás haciendo increíble." I whispered to her.
(That's it baby girl almost there. You're doing amazing)

After a few more minutes, I saw Hadley visibly relax and breath heavily. Baby cries out sounded the sounds of Hadley's breathing.

Jackson didn't hesitate to put Athena on Hadley's chest and cover them with small towel.

"You did it hads." I sniffled and kissed her head. I looked down at the crying baby in her arms and more tears fell from my eyes.

Hadley was smiling and crying as we both looked at our daughter.

"Congratulations Hadley, well done." Jackson smiled at her while he stitched her up.

"We made her." Hadley looked at me.

"Yeah we did. I'm so proud of you." I kissed her forehead again.

Once Jackson was done cleaning and stitching Hadley, he took Athena and laid her at the end of the bed.

"Is dad going to cut the cord?" Jackson looked between me and Hadley.

I looked at her asking her if I could. She nodded her head so I went to the end of the bed. Jackson told me where to cut it and gave me the scissors.

When I was done, Athena was weighed, measured and washed before being giving back to Hadley.

"Congratulations you two. I'll go get your parents." Jackson smiled before leaving.

"I love you." I looked down at the beautiful girl on the bed.

"I love you to." She smiled at me.

I leaned down and brushed my nose on hers before closing the gap and kissing her. Our lips moved in perfect sync.

We were cut off by the door opening by Aaron and Stacey. They both had huge smiles on their faces as they looked at me and Hadley.

This is where we go home and I get the dad talk with Aaron. Brilliant.

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