Chapter ninteen

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Hadley POV

I did it. Hell fucking yah. I had my baby girl and I crushed it. You know like when fat Amy goes down the stairs in pitch perfect two, yeah, crushed it.

"She's absolutely beautiful guys." My mum beamed at her.

"Thanks, she gets her daddy's looks." I smiled up at him which he returned.

"She does look like Javier. But you can see both of you in her." My dad commented.

"Quieres abrazarla?" I asked Javier. (Do you want to hold her)

"Si eso está bien." He nodded. (If that's ok)

"Ella es tu hija también." I giggled. (She is your daughter as well)

"Lo sé. Qué hay de tu mamá y papá?" He asked. (I know. What about your mum and dad)

"Stacey puede esperar. Ebarza a tu hija." My dad told him. (Stacey can wait. Hold your daughter)

"Bueno." Javier carefully took her from me. He had one hand supporting her neck and the other under her back with her bum against his chest. (Okay)

No one said anything while Javier held Athena. We all looked at him, his eyes had glossed over as he watched the small being he held.

"She really does look like me." He chuckled and sniffled.

"Yeah she does." I smiled.

It seemed like Javier wasn't going to let his daughter go and before we knew it, visiting hours were over. Jackson came back in to check on me and Athena and to tell my parents to leave.

"Hey guys. It's time to leave unless someone is staying the night with Hadley and baby."

"Ok. Who's staying?" My mum asked.

"Puedes quedarte te recogeremos mañana." My dad told Javier. (You can stay. We will pick you up tomorrow)

"Tengo edad suficiente?" Javier asked. (Am I old enough)

"Te ves más de dieciocho años así que estarás bien." Jackson shrugged. (You look over eighteen so you will be fine)

"Alright so it's settled. Come on mi amor. We've got to go." My dad held his hand out for my mum to take.

"What was just said?" My mum furrowed her eyebrows.

"Dad said Javier can stay with me. Then he asked if he's old enough and Jackson said yes. It's not really important ma." I told her.

"Oh, ok. Well I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." She hugged me.

"Love you to." I hugged back.

We all said our goodbyes then I was left alone with Javier and my baby girl.

"How you feeling?" Javier asked me while looking up from Athena.

"Good. I feel fine and I'm glad she's out now." I smiled.

Javier stood up then laid Athena in the small cot in the room. I moved over on the bed so he could lay with me.

We both laid on our sides looking at each other. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He replied and started playing with me hair. "I just can't believe I'm actually a dad now."

"I know. And I'm a mum." I giggled.

"When should we tell people?" He questioned me.

"I'll get Janet and Lucas to come round when we go home tomorrow. I can't be bothered to send them a picture right now."

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