Chapter four

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Hadley POV  (two months later)

It had been two months since the party. Janet never asked me to go to another one since she felt bad about me and Javier.

Even though I was still a little upset over it, I put it behind me and focused on other things. Almost six weeks ago, I started getting sick.

It was only once or twice a week so I wasn't worried about anything. For the first month after I didn't get my period.

I had been stresses about my exams so I guessed it was down to stress. But on the second month I didn't get it, I started to worry.

I started second guessing if me and Javier used a condom or not.

When I woke up this morning, I had to run to my bathroom. I threw up for about ten minutes before I stopped.

I got up, flushed the toilet then brushed my teeth to get the horrible taste out. After that, I laid on my bed again. Thank the fucking lord up high it's friggin Saturday.

As I was laying there, my thoughts were taken up by pregnancy symptoms. No period, morning sickness, change in appetite. Tear started falling as there was a chance I could be pregnant.

Instead of thinking what if, I got dressed and went to the shop. I got two boxes which gave me four tests in all.

My hands shakily put the tests on the til to be paid for. The guy was about my age and he saw me shaking.

"You alright miss? You look a bit pale."

"Uh, I don't know. I just, it's just a precaution." My voice came out shaky.

"It's alright. I'm Benson, I've seen you around school a few times." He smiled at me as he scanned the boxes.

"Oh yeah. Uh Benson hallows right?" I asked.

"That's me. I'll keep this a secret if you want." Benson pointed to the pregnancy tests.

"Please. I don't know if it'll be positive or negative. Thank you Benson, I'll see you at school. I think my friend would like you." I laughed a little.

"Definitely. Good luck with that anyway." He smiled. I paid for it then we said our goodbyes.

Eventually, I got home and ran straight to my room. My mum and dad were in the kitchen but me running up to my room wasn't out of the ordinary.

After taking all four tests, I placed them on the counter and waited.

When the timer went off, I rose a very shaky hand then turned them all over. In a row, there was four positive tests.

"Dammit." I yelled and punched the counter a little.

"Hadley? What's wrong?" My dad knocked the door.

"Jodí papá." I cried out.
(I fucked up dad)

"Abre la puerta Hadley." He banged on it, shaking the door knob to get in. "Qué hiciste." Worry laced his voice.
(Open the door Hadley. What did you do)

I opened the door to a very worried looking dad. He came from Spain so we always spoke Spanish to each other.

"Arruiné tan mala." I sobbed into his chest after he pulled me in for a hug.
(I messed up so bad)

"Qué pasa?" He rubbed my back.
(What's wrong)

"Estoy embarazada." I confessed.
(I'm pregnant)

"Are those the tests?" My dad asked me. He pulled me back and pointed to the tests on the counter.

"Sí." I nodded and looked down.

"Hadley." My dad whined. "I thought you were more careful than this. When did this happen?"

"When me and Janet went to that party two months ago. It was the night I lost my virginity. I'm so sorry dad. I thought I was careful."

"Sorry isn't good enough hads. You had such big plans for yourself." He sighed but looked at me with pity, by most of all, he still looked at me with love.

"Querida, I love you so much. You're my little girl, nothing will change that. Me and your mum will support you no matter what you choose. If you keep it, we'll help. If you want adoption, so be it. But please don't abort it. It's your mistake and it should deserve a shot at life. Wether the dad is in it or not, let it have a life. Hadley, this will either change you for the good or bad. But trust me, it'll be the best thing that will ever happen to you." My dad hugged me once more.

"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment." I cried.

"No you're not. We'll make an appointment for you Monday since it's Sunday so we can't. You can have that day off but go in on Tuesday. We'll take you out when it gets to much for you. Is that a deal?"

"Deal." I laughed a little.

"There's my little girl. Now wipe your eyes and get some rest, I heard you up all night." My dad kissed my head then left me room.

I laid down on my bed and waited for sleep to come over me.

"She's what?" My mum yelled.

All of a sudden, she burst into my room and had a look of sadness on her face.

"Baby why weren't you more careful?" She sat next to me.

"I thought he did use it. I'm sorry I was drunk, he was drunk and it happened. I'll put it up for adoption if that's what you want. I'll move out and get a job for my own place. I don't care what I have to do, just don't be mad at me." I cried out.

"Hadley, I could never be mad at you. But you have no options like your dad gave you. Honey but you did this, you have to face the consequences. Wether you like it or not, you'll have and keep this baby." She told me sternly.

"Ok. I will. Mum I'm so sorry."

"It's alright sweetheart. Just be more careful next time you want to have sex." She hugged me.

After a while of hugging my mum, I fell asleep. At least I have my parents, what about Janet.

SHIT! I have to tell Javier.

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