Chapter nine

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Hadley POV

"Hey, do you want me to take you to your appointment today?" My dad asked me.

Javier and I were watching a film in my room, cuddling on my bed.

"Appointment for what? Is the baby ok?" Javier sat up.

"They're fine." I giggled and rubbed my now bigger bump. "It's just a check up with my midwife and I can see what the gender is." I shrugged.

"Oh ok. I'll get going then." He got up and started putting his shoes on.

"It's your baby as well. Do you want to come?"

"I'd love to." He smiled at me.

"Nice to see you again Hadley. How is everything going with baby and you." Jackson came into the room.

"Hey, I'm good. Everything seems good. I've been asking my mum a lot of questions but some of which she couldn't answer. So she told me to make sure you give me the answers in need." I laughed.

"Definitely. And who's this?" Jackson turned to Javier.

"I'm javier. The baby's father." He said nervously.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Jackson, Hadley's midwife. Take a seat and we'll get started."

Like the last time, I lifted up my top and unbuttoned my jeans. Javier looked a little pissed off but didn't say anything.

"Calm down baby daddy, I don't swing that way." Jackson chuckled putting the gel on my belly.

"You're gay?" I stated.

"And proud. I don't usually tell people but since lover boy there looked like he wanted to kill me, I thought I would say."

"No it's ok. Javi calm down, it's his job."

"I know. Just didn't like it." He mumbled.

Why was he all of a sudden jealous? I have to ask him about that later.

"Baby looks very healthy Hadley. Keep on doing what you're doing. And would you like to know the gender?" Jackson turned the screen for me to look at.

I looked at Javier. He nodded a little so I said yes.

"It's a girl." He smiled.

Tears came up in my eyes and fell. "It's a girl." I cried.

I looked over at Javier to see he had tears of his own. He stood up and hugged me.

"It's a girl." He whispered as his voice cracked.

"Our little girl." I sniffled.

"Congratulations guys. I'll be back with pictures." Jackson smiled at us. He gave me a wipe before leaving.

I wiped the access gel off then sorted myself out. When I was done, I sat on the bed with my feet dangling down again.

After a few minutes, Jackson came back and handed me the photos. Once again, I said thank you then me and Javier left.

My mum and dad were in the waiting room and when they saw us come out, they both stood up.

"It's a girl." I smiled widely at them.

"Congratulations honey. I'm happy for you both." My mum hugged me and Javier.

"Thanks mum."

"Come on. Now we can go baby shopping." She squealed and grabbed my dads hand pulling him out of the clinic.

"Parents are fucking crazy." I mumbled.

"But you love them." Javier smiled a little.

"Yeah I do." I laughed a little. "Do you want to come shopping with us?"

"Uh no, I better get home. My mum and dad should be there by now." Javier sighed.

"Oh, alright. Message me when your there. And take this." I ripped off one of the pictures and gave it to him.

"Thank you. I'll see you later." He pecked my cheek quickly before walking off.

What was that about?

Javier POV

Why the fuck did I kiss her cheek? She doesn't even like me like that. Fucking twat. I scolded myself all the way to my house.

When I got there, sure enough my mum and dad was home.

"Javi es que tu?" I heard my mum call me.
(Javi is that you)

"Si mamá soy yo." I called back.
(Yeah mum it's me)

"Dónde has estado todo el día?" She asked me.
(Where have you been all day)

"Out with a friend. She had some things to do." I replied.

"Ok. What's that in your hand?"

"Nada importante."
(Nothing important)

"Vamos Javier. What is it?" My dad came out and pressed on. (Come on javier)

"Trust me. It's nothing." I spat out.

All of a sudden, someone came up behind me and snatched the photo out of my hand. I turned around to see my cousin, Carlos.

"No fucking way." Carlos laughed while looking at the picture.

"Give it back asshat." I glared at him.

"Tía Camila. You should see this." He handed her the picture.

"Why do you have this? And who's Hadley?" My mum looked at me.

"What is it?" My dad grabbed it from my mum. "Don't Tell me you got a girl pregnant."

"Yes I did. Are you happy you got to see what it was? Can I go now?" I snatched it back.

"Well can we pay her to get rid of it?" My dad asked.

"What? Hell no!" I exclaimed.

"What? Why not? You're not cut out to be a father." He scoffed. "You're sixteen for fuck sake."

"It's not my decision to make. It's her who wants to keep her and I'll be there to help." I argued.

"That's not happening. You go tell her to abort it. Put the poor thing up for adoption. None of you are cut out to be parents." My dad yelled at me.

"Like I said, she's keeping her. And I'm not going to be a dead beat dad like you. Either you accept that or stay the fuck out of my life." I shouted.

"The fuck did you just call me?" He said calmly with a glare.

"Un padre aburrido." I spat out.
(A deadbeat dad)

All of a sudden, my cheek started stinging and my mum gasped along with Carlos.

"Soy tu padre me respetas." He glared at me.
(I am your father, you respect me)

"Fuck you. You're no dad to me. I'm so fucking done with all of you." Anger lacing my voice then I went to my bedroom.

'Hey did you get home safely?' Hadley messaged me.

'Hey, yeah I did. How's shopping going?'

"It's good. My mum is going crazy. My feet hurt and I just want food. 😂'

'Yeah I get that. But I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow xx'

"Definitely bye xx'

I turned off my phone then threw it on my bed. I put the scan with the other one on my board I have.

Well, this is what it's like when my parents are home.

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