Chapter fifteen

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Javier POV

After I left Hadley's house, I went to the only place that could calm me. Whenever my dad hit me, I would always come here but after I met Hadley, she became a second place.

It was a cliff that I would always sit on the edge of and look out to the sea. It was beautiful with the sun setting, kind of reminded me of Hadley.

"You alright." Someone sat next to me. I knew someone would follow me.

"I fucked up like usual. The only girl that I had actually considered trying to be with, and I fucked it up." I chucked through my tears.

"Why did you do it then?" Aaron asked me.

"I had to. My mum and dad don't want me near Hadley with the baby. When I got home yesterday from school, there was this girl there. My parents said that I should forget about Hadley because I am to be married to that girl. I don't even know her and I was left alone with her." I explained.

"I am so thankful Lucas stopped me because I would have never forgiven myself. I really do love her, but because I love her I have to let her go." I sniffled.

"Javier, I need you to be honest with me." Aaron sighed. "What does your family do to you?"

I chuckled again. "My dad beats me when he can't get his own way. My mum lets it happen and my cousin always makes it happen when he's around. And I'm no better than my dad, I'll just be deadbeat just like him."

"No you won't. I was in the exact same position as you when I met stacey. Then her parents took me in and I was so happy to get away from them. And as you can see, I am not like my dad. No one is like their fathers unless they want to be. You're no deadbeat dad, Javier. Anyone can see that." Aaron put his hand on my shoulder.

"For 13 years I've been hit by that man. And  I was giving up." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "And then that day Hadley told me I was going to be a dad gave me hope. Hope that I could get away and be happy with a beautiful girl and a baby that'll light up my world. But now I'm sold off to marry some whore and I won't even get to see my baby girl grow up." I sobbed.

"You will, I promise. If you want to get away, me and Stacey has a spare bedroom that is always open for you to use. Don't listen to Hadley, she's just emotional and pregnant. The mood swings are a bitch but she'll come around."

"I can't stay with you. It's bad enough I'm there everyday. I'm sure you and Stacey are annoyed of me."

"If anything we want you there more. I've never seen my baby girl so happy and she's a happy kid. Its the best feeling to see your little girl laugh and smile from a guy that'll treat her right. And that guy for Hadley is you." He smiled at me.

"I know it's a lot to ask but can I move in? You can say no, I just can't take being with my mum and dad any more." I asked him.

"Of course. I have the car if you want to go and get your stuff now." He replied. I nodded then we both got up and went to the car.

"Where have you been?" My dad yelled at me when I walked through the door.

"Con mi bebé mamá. Now piss off." I shouted back and ran up to my room. I slammed the door shut then quickly packed up a bunch of clothes in two duffel bags.

I went to the back of my wardrobe and opened my safe. In it was a bunch of money I had saved up in case I wanted to leave.

I grabbed all of it and stuffed it in with my clothes. I got all my toiletries from the bathroom and put them in a different bag.

Once I made sure I got everything, I grabbed all the bags and left my room.

"A dónde crees que vas?" My mum, dad and Carlos were all by the front door. (Where do you thing you're going)

"Salir de este agujero de mierda." I shrugged.
(Moving out of this shit hole)

"Con quien? Esa puta?" Carlos laughed.
(With who? That whore)

"Sí en realidad y ella no es una puta." I rolled my eyes before shoving my way to get to the door. (Yeah actually and she isn't a whore)

"You are not leaving this house." My dad growled.

"Anywhere is better than here. Good bye."

"Javier. Please don't leave." My mum begged.

"You should've thought about that before you let your husband beat your three year old."

"That's enough." My dad yelled then punched me in the face.

"Some family you guys are." I glared at all of them before slamming the door shut behind me.

"Everything alright?" Aaron asked me when I got in the car.

"Yeah. All good here." I sighed.

Eventually we got back to the house. What was I thinking, moving in with Hadley? This is so wrong.

"Hey Javier." Stacey smiled at me softly.


"What happened to your cheek?" She exclaimed.

"Nothing. I think I'm just gonna go to that room." I sighed.

"Yeah, I'll show you up." Stacey nodded then lead me up to the room.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you." I opened the door and stood there.

"As long as you need. You're always welcome here." She smiled then I closed the door, letting my bags fall on the floor.

"What happened out there?" I heard Stacey whisper.

"His dad beats him. I said he could move in just don't tell Hadley. I'll talk to him in the morning and make sure we have a set time so they don't bump into each other. Or until they start speaking again." Aaron said.

"Yeah definitely. Let's go to bed, it's late." Stacey said then they left.

After showering in the built in bathroom, I slid on some boxers then got into the bed. It was way more comfortable than the one at my parents house.

Thank god for them two other wise I would have done something I would have regretted.

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