Chapter six

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Hadley POV

Today is the day that I tell Javier. After school yesterday, Janet came round so I told her. She was happy that she would be an auntie but also mad at javier for not issuing protection.

"Are you ready?" Janet asked me when we got to the lunch room.

"Yeah, today is the day." I smiled. But when we went in, I turned back around. "I'm not ready."

"Nope." Janet stopped me. "It's now or never Hadley. Go tell him."

I sighed then walked up to his table. All of his friends were around him so I got nervous. And it's not good when I'm nervous, I go into Spanish mode. And I don't think anyone knows Spanish.

"Oye." I tapped Javier's shoulder. "Posemos hablar?" I could feel a lump in my throat and tears stinging in my eyes. (Hey, can we talk)
Javier POV

It was lunch time and I was sitting at a table with all my friends. Me and Lucas were in a deep conversation until someone tapped my back.

"Oye. Podemos hablar?" She asked. It was the quiet girl, Hadley I think.

"Si, Qué pasa?" I replied. I didn't know there was another Spanish person in this school. I came from Barcelona. (Yes, what about)

"Sobre la noche en la fiesta hace dos meces." I could see her visibly gulp. Tears started forming in her eyes and she looked down.
(About the night at the party two months ago)

"What? Do you want round 2?" I asked her. All my friends heard so they laughed. I laughed with them. I mean, if she wanted to go again, I don't mind.

"You really are a stuck up asshole aren't you. I just thought you'd want to know." She spat out then shoved an envelope in my hands.

I saw tears fall down her cheeks before she walked away. I felt guilty after that and went to follow her but I felt the envelope in my hands.

When I opened it, there was something I never wanted to see. There was one positive pregnancy test and a scan picture. And by the way she was, I don't think she was faking it.

"Bro what is it?" Lucas tried to take it from my hands.

"Nada." I replied and moved it away so he couldn't get it. (Nothing)
"I'll be back in a second. I need to go talk to Hadley."

"What? Are you getting that round two then?" Mason, one of my friends laughed.

"No. I think I messed up." I said then ran off to find Hadley.

I found her near lockers, she was sat down with her legs pulled to her chest and her face hidden in her arms.

"Hadley?" I called out to her.

She lifted up her head but when she saw me, she got up and walked away. I quickly ran up to her and stopped her.

"What the fuck is this?" I narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth. So many things filled my head.

"It's not idiot proof, you figure it out." She said, anger lacing her voice.

"I know what it is. Why did you give it to me? Huh? You want to make me look like a fool in front of everyone?"

"Why would me, Hadley Taylor the shy quiet girl want to make you, Javier James looks like a dick in front of everyone?"

I stayed silent glaring at her. We both knew she was right. Why would someone like her want to do that?

"For all I know you could be faking it. Where's all the proof?" I spat out.

"What more proof do you want. My mum made me bring a test to school if you want me to do it again and come out straight after. If you look at the scan, it's got my name on it." She started to raise her voice.

"Fine. Take the stupid test. And come straight out." I told her. We both silently walked to the girls bathroom and she went inside.

After a few minutes, she came back out. "We have to wait three minutes. As you can see, I haven't drawn any lines." She gave me the test.

I looked at it, and sure enough it didn't have an lines to show she was lying. I set a timer on my phone and we waited.

When the three minutes was up, I confidently picked it up knowing it would be negative and I could get on with my life.

But my eyes went wide and my mouth hit the floor when I saw it was positive.

"Who else have you slept with? This," I pointed to her belly. "This isn't mine."

"You took my virginity, Javier. It was you. And if it helps, you can go ask every single guy in this school to see if they slept with me. It is yours but you don't have to be there. I don't need you and neither does he or she." She cried.
"Pensé que querrías saber que vas a ser padre."
(I thought you would want to know your going to be a father)

With that, she walked off leaving me in the middle of the corridor with two positive pregnancy tests and one scan photo.

I took the photo out of the envelope and looked at it. And for sure, it had Hadley's name on it. She had it done yesterday, when did she find out.

I leaned on a wall and fell down it looking at the scan picture. Just by the way she was with me, it just showed that she wasn't lying. Tears also fell down my cheeks, I just fucked up.

"Javier?" Lucas stood in front of me. "You alright mate?"

I shook my head the gave him the scan photo and pregnancy test. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment. When he realised what it was, he bent down in front of me.

"What did she say?" He asked me.

"Before, she said she needed to talk to me about the party two months ago. When I asked if she wanted round two she obviously she shoved the envelope in my hands. It held one pregnancy test and a scan picture. Then when I came to talk to her, she said she had another in her bag to prove it. I made Hadley take it and made sure it wasn't fake or she didn't draw lines on it. But when the timer went off, it came back positive." I told him.

"I blamed it on someone else, she told me that I could ask all the guys in this school and they would deny it. Lucas, just by the way she was I can tell she wasn't lying. I fucked up so bad, what do I do?"

"Javi, maybe try and talk to her. See if it is yours or not. Maybe her friend can tell you if she's lying." Lucas shrugged.

On cue, Hadley's friend, came round the corner with the look of murder on her face. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under right now.

"How could you do that to her. She had done nothing and you've taken shit away from her." She yelled at me.

I'm so glad Lucas is with me.

"Calm down Janet." Lucas told her.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down Lucas. Do you know what he's done to my best friend. I swear to god Lucas I will beat him because of what he's done." Janet glared at both of us.

"Janet Elizabeth, I will kick your ass. Now go with Hadley, I will come by hers later so we can talk. Now go." Lucas told her sternly.

"Prick." Janet mumbled before walking away. "Fuck me she's a pain in the ass."

"How do you know where Hadley lives?" I asked him.

"Before you came here I was friends with Janet and Hadley. But we grew up and went our separate ways, now I'm gonna go talk to her. I'll see you later." Lucas smiled at me before following Janet.

What have I done?

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