Chapter fourteen

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Hadley POV

After what Lucas told me, I didn't want to see Javier. He said he loved me so I figured we had something. Clearly I was wrong and like always, I am never any good.

"You ok Hadley?" Janet looked at me with worry clear in her eyes. We were in my room decorating a little for my baby girl.

"Lucas was round last night." I sighed.

"What? Are you two a thing now?"

"No! I know you like him so I wouldn't do that to you. And he likes you as well, me and Lucas are just friends."

"So what happened?" She questioned me.

"Javier was supposed to come over last night. Instead he stayed home." Tears began to form in my eyes.

"When he didn't show up, Lucas went to his house to find Javier with some girl naked. The worst part about it, is that he said he loved me. He said that and I was dumb enough to believe him."

Before Janet could reply, there was a knock at the door. Janet got up and answered it. She didn't come back in and left. A few seconds later, Javier walked in.

"What are you doing here?" I sniffled and wiped my nose with my sleeve.

"What was the text about last nights? Did I do something? Why are you mad at me?" Javier stayed stood up while I sat on my bed.

"Really? What happened to you loving me and this baby? And then you have the decency to go and sleep with someone else." I yelled at him.

"We're not even together! How can you be jealous or mad at me for doing what I want to do?" He yelled back.

"Because you said you loved me. I actually believed you and I thought we had something. I was dumb enough to even fall for you. But like always I'm dumbass Hadley who doesn't know shit."

"Get a grip Hadley. It was in the moment. Yeah I admit I said it but doesn't mean I meant it. I'm still going to do what I want even if you are pregnant with my baby."

"Fuck you Javier. If it didn't mean anything you shouldn't have fucking said it." I cried harder.

"Whatever. Can't I have my own life. Everything doesn't revolve around you 24/7. I'm still me, I still want to be able to live my life." He glared at me.

Lucas POV

Me, Janet, Aaron and Stacey were all sat in the living room while Hadley and Javier yelled at each other. Some of the shit he said would have hurt anyone.

And saying that to a very pregnant, hormonal teen girl is fucked up.

"Should we do something?" Stacey looked between me Janet and her husband.

"No. Let them work things out on their own. They'll figure it out sooner or later." Aaron sighed.

Hadley POV

"I never said you couldn't have your own life did I? It was you who was always here with me. It was you who said I love you, not the other way round. You say that and make me feel things for you and then you say all this shit." I yelled at him.

"For fuck sake Hadley, it's me. I've told girls I've loved them just so I can get in their pants. You were just another of those dumb girls to believe me." Javier growled.

"I'm not some easy target you can fool around with Javi. If you didn't mean, you shouldn't have said it. Now I get it if you don't want to be in your baby's life. She doesn't need some asshole of a dad in it."

"What are you trying to say? That I'm no good. Wasn't it you who said I'm not like me father and that I'd be a better man than he ever was?"

"Sorry I was caught up in the moment. I doesn't mean I meant it. Two can play at that game. So fuck you Javier, my little girl needs a better father figure in her life than you." I glared at him.

"I've done jackshit and here you are calling me a bad dad. All I have done since I found out you were pregnant is be here for you. And this is what I get in return." He scoffed.

"Should've thought about that before you tell me you love me then go off with some slut."

"Slut? You're one to talk. She isn't the one pregnant right now is she?"

"And that's my fault. You took advantage of me when I was drunk. You chose not to wear a fucking condom. This could have all been prevented if you had used your head and got protection." I shouted at him.

"So you regret all of it? Regret her." He pointed to my belly.

"Yes, all of it. She shouldn't be born. It's your fault that you came up to me that night, it was you who fed me little lies and made me fall for you. And I regret it all." I spat out.

"Fuck you Hadley. All because I wanted to be myself. Nothing is my fault, you shouldn't have gotten attached when you know exactly what I'm like."

"Get out javier. You won't see this baby being born or grow up, fuck off and don't come back."

"Fine. She probably isn't mine anyway. You just said that so you could get something out of me."

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you. You took my virginity, I've had sex once in my life and that was with you. Just leave, I'm so done with you." I sobbed.

"Fuck sake Hadley." He yelled. I could see tears falling down his cheeks. "Get over yourself. You are not some saint everyone makes you out to be."

"Me? Fuck off Javier, just leave. We don't need you at all, we have four people downstairs who will gladly help me. My baby girl doesn't need some deadbeat dad that'll only fuck around." I spat out.

"Eso está demasiado lejos Hadley, no me llames así." He cried out and pointed at me.
(That's to far Hadley, don't call me that)

"Bueno eso es todo lo que me has mostrado. Ahora vete." I glared at him.
(Well that's all you've shown me. Now leave)

"Fine. Don't come running to me when you need shit for her." Javier told me then left.

I heard the front door slam shut then footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Hadley?" I heard my dad knock the door. "Puedo entrar?" (Can I come in)

"No papá quiero estar solo ahora." I sobbed as I laid on my pillow.

The door opened and someone laid down next to me, pulling me close to their chest. They softly kissed my cheek so I knew it was my best friend who had been there for me through everything.

"Why does it hurt so much when he was just playing me?" I whispered.

"Because is Javier being Javier. It's all about him and he doesn't care who he hurts in the process." Lucas sighed.

"I called him the one thing that I said I would never call him. I feel like a spoiled brat who didn't get her own way. I'm such a fuck up and now my little girl won't have a dad."

"It's alright. Get some sleep it's been a long day. I'll stay with you if you want." He hugged me tighter.

I nodded then turned over to bury my face in his chest. We did this all the time when we were little. Before we met Janet, it was me and Lucas.

He was and still is my best friend and I am so thankful I have him in my life.

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