Chapter seven

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Hadley POV

After I left Javier, I bumped into benson and Janet. We had met that morning so from a duo, we became a trio. It felt nice to have a male friend in our group again.

"Hey, woah, why are you crying?" Janet stopped me.

"I told Javier. And I took a test like my mum told me to, and he blamed it on some other guy. I should have kept it to myself, I'm such an idiot." I cried.

"Benny boo comfort Hadley, I'll be back in a minute." Janet said then walked off.

"Hey, it's alright." Benson hugged me. "He's just a jerk who only thinks about himself. You don't need someone like him, you've got me and Janet, you'll be alright.

"I just wanted something else to come out of this. Why am I so dumb to even have sex with him." I cried.

"Don't beat yourself up about it hads. Things happen for a reason Y'know."

"What reason could it have been for me to get pregnant by the bad boy?"

"Many things, it could make him better. It'll be alright in the end I promise." Benson squeezed me before letting me go.

"Come on Hadley. Let's get you home." Janet linked arms with me and pulled me along with her.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Benson called after us.

"Bye benny boo." Me and Janet smiled at him then met my dad in his car.

"You alright darling?" My dad smiled softly at me.

"Uh." I sniffled and my voice cracked. "He thought it was someone else's and it didn't go well at all. I just want to go home and sleep. I'm really tired and this little bean is taking it out of me." I laughed a little and rubbed my small bump.

"Let's go then." He chuckled then started driving.

When we got back home, me and Janet went up to my room and I laid down on my bed, getting under the covers.

"You alright babes?" Janet laid next to me.

"Yeah. I knew he wouldn't believe me so what can I do. All I need is my parents, my best friend and most of all, my little bean. And that's ok, I'll be fine with everyone I have right now. We don't need him, I can me and mum and a dad in one."

"That's the spirit. Now get some sleep preggerz. You look knackered. I'll be downstairs when you wake up." Janet hugged me then left my room, closing the door behind her.

When I woke up, I felt light kisses on my face. I opened my eyes to see the one and only, Lucas Davidson.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I smiled at him while I stretched. After I sat up on the headboard with Lucas doing the same.

"I have come to see you because ma and pa have told me about a certain little bun in the oven." Lucas moved his hand to my belly.

"Uh, yeah. I'm 8 weeks and three days."

"Damn. When did my little bug grow up and lose her virginity?" Lucas laughed a little.

"At your party two months ago. It was a stupid mistake but I already love this one so I don't mind." I rubbed around his hand.

"Well who's the lucky baby daddy? Should I have the talk with him, that's my little bug your messing with." He made his voice deeper at the end.

"You're so stupid you know that?" I pushed his shoulder a little.

"Hey. But yes, I know I am. So are you gonna tell me?"

"It depends. You didn't come here because you found out from my parents did you?"

"Uh, no. I actually saw you talking to javier. Then he showed me the scan picture. I thought I would come see my little bug to know if she's alright." Lucas sighed.

"I'm good. It was Javier who said that I could have slept with someone else to get this one. I just didn't, I didn't want it to go that way."

"I know. Maybe talk to him better and see where it goes. You should have seen him at lunch today." Lucas turned serious.

"He messed this up for himself. You know, he shouldn't have said I could have slept with someone else. I feel like he's calling me a slut, I mean, how many people has he been with? I've had sex once and he has the decency to practically call me a slut."

"He doesn't know what to do about this. Can you imagine if you were a guy and a girl laid all that on you? I'm not taking sides my little bug but it's a lot to take in."

"Yeah I get that, but he should have thought about what I felt. I have to throw up all the damn time and I had to pee on a stick just to prove to his stubborn ass that i am carrying his child. Do you know how that makes me feel?" I could feel tears forming.

"Hadley, I get how both of you feel. But as a guy it's a little harder to wrap around that fact that there will be part of you coming into the world. Maybe talk it out with him." Lucas sighed.

Just then, there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." I called out.

"Hey sweetheart, you have a visitor here." My dad came in.

"Who's here?" I asked.

"Uh, Lucas, we should leave them to talk." With that, my dad and Lucas walked out.

And the person who came in, was not the person I wanted to see at all.

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