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The tornado split in the middle, and gasps erupted around them. An extremely beautiful girl was standing in the water, her head down. Long, lustrous Black hair covered her pale features. She had the perfect hour glass figure, but still had muscle on her hands. She was tall, 6 foot 2, and had a pair of jeans and a turquoise crop top.

She had beauty that almost surpassed Aphrodite herself.

And when her eyes opened, Percy started tearing up. Piper and Hazel stifled a sob, and Annabeth had her hand on her mouth, her eyes wide. Jason, Frank, and Leo were staring in shock, and Nico had one silent tear drip down his face..

Those eyes belong to only one person.

Sea-blue eyes.

The girl smiled happily, and walked out of the lake and towards Percy.

He couldn't form a word yet, he was still in shock.

"What's wrong? Fish got your tongue Big Bro?" The girl said, snickering.

He still couldn't formulate a sentence

She rolled her eyes. "Come on guys!! Leo came from the dead and you were able to speak!! Now when I walk out of the lake you are not able to? Where's the logic?" She threw her hands up in frustration.

Jason opened and closed his mouth repeatedly.

Finally... After what seemed like ages to the girl, but really was a few minutes, Percy opened his mouth and uttered a word.

"A... Amy???"


"Yes Big Brother... How long does it take you to realise that?" Amy asked, a small smile making it's way to her lips.

The entire group tackled Amy into a hug, and she laughed at their reactions.

Percy, being the first to snap out of his daze and the first to hug, buried himself deeper into her chest, hugging her tightly.

"I thought you were dead" Nico said. She knew he had felt it, but then.. She was here.

"I was dead" She said mysteriously.

"And uhh... Percy? I'd appreciate it if you loosen your grip. I can't breathe very well" Amy said.

He immediately jumped back, a sheepish smile on his face.

The moment he did though, she was pinned to the ground in a hug coming from Piper and Hazel.

"Missed you too guys" She said, patting their back comfortingly.

"Then how are you here?" Jason asked.

"The Fates decided that I needed to live because of something happening in the future... Blah.. Blah... I honestly didn't pay attention to whatever they said." She said, waving her hands in a dismissive manner.

Frank and Nico chuckled, and Leo pulled Amy to her feet.

"YES GIRL!!! TEAM AMY FOR THE WIN!!!!" He pumped his fist in the air, and Amy laughed.

"You're laughing more now.. " Annabeth observed.

She shrugged. "A second chance at life is something most people won't get, I should know. So I'm going to not care about what happened in the past. I'll live my life to the fullest" She said.

"It's Percy's birthday today!!!!" Leo exclaimed. She grinned.

"It seems I am right on time" She marched to the Big House, and the others followed, chuckling at her reaction.

"Did you remember today is your birthday as well" Piper asked, putting her hand on Amy's shoulder.

She shook her head. "Forgot"

"We don't have gifts for you...." Hazel said sadly. Amy grinned, and wrapped her arm around Hazel.

"Being here is the best gift I could have."

"Couldn't agree more" Jason and Percy said at the same time. They stared at each other.

"I said that" They said at the same time. Again.

"No I did."

"Stop it!"

"No you stop it!!"

"I swear to the gods if you don't.."

"Alright enough!!" Sally came, and intervened.

She then turned to Amy, who had a shy smile on her lips.

"Percy dear.. Who's this?"

"Mom this is Amy!! She's my half sister!" Percy exclaimed, introducing the two.

"Amy this is my mom, Sally Blofis"

"Blowfish?" She asked questioningly.

Sally groaned, and the others burst into laughter, clutching their stomach in pain.

"No darling.. Blofis.. Not Blowfish"

She blushed, and muttered an apology.

"It's ok Amy... Say.. Where are your parents?"

Immediately everyone quietened down, and stared at Amy, trying to gauge her reaction.

"Mom actually... " Percy started.

"It's ok Perce... Actually Mrs. Blofis, my parents died when I was 2 years old." She said smoothly.

Sally gasped quietly. "Oh my gods, I'm so sorry..."

Amy waved her hand. "Not your fault. Don't bother"

But Piper and Jason could see the stiffness of her posture, and gave her a hug. She gladly returned it.

"Where will you be staying after this?" She asked, her mothering side bursting out.

"I'll probably be an all year camper"

Sally shook her head. She wouldn't have another child stay without her parents. Not on her watch.

"Say.. Amy? Would you be ok if you come stay with us? Percy would like the company after all"

Amy stared in shock at Sally. She hasn't thought about it, but she wasnt going to put another family in danger.

"It's ok Mrs. Blofis..."

"Call me Sally dear"

"Sorry... Sally I don't want to put your family in danger.. Camp will already be under pressure as it is because of me"

Sally raised an eyebrow, and Nico stepped forward to explain.

"Sally actually despite the fact that she is Uncle P's daughter, all the gods have given her their powers, so she's essentially the daughter of all the gods." He explained patiently.

She gaped at a fidgeting Amy, and nodded slowly after some time.

"Ok sweety... But you can visit us anytime alright?"

Amy nodded, smiling.

"Now... BACK TO THE CAKE!!!" Leo shouted, and all the boys darted inside to take the first bite of cake.

The girls rolled their eyes and followed.

Sometime later, Thalia arrived and cried in shock at Amy. She got a similar "welcome back" Reaction, except for the fact that she got electrocuted a couple of times by an angry daughter of Zeus.

Percy Jackson and Chaos - BOOK-2 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now