Chapter - 21

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The Army shouted, and sprinted as fast as they could towards Sylvia and Survivor. Survivor has a slash on her shoulder, small but deep. What really alarmed Omega was the wound around her stomach. It was a gaping wound, and blood was flowing at an alarmingly fast pace. He tried to staunch the flow of blood, but it wasn't working.

Apollo Campers were surrounding Sylvia, but it was too late.

She was gone, slipping through their fingers and journeying to the Underworld.

She was dead.




No matter how many times Omega repeated the statement, he couldn't believe. Survivor.....

Gods know how she would react.

Serena, now a human, was crying over Sylvia's dead body. Nothing could be done. The healers of the Camp sprinted towards Survivor and picked her up. They hurried to the Infirmary, knowing that time was of the essence.

"We need to call Apollo" Vines said to a numb Omega.

He nodded.

Apollo, he thought.

The f*ck!! Who are you??!!! Why are you in my head? Omega would have rolled his eyes, but he was worried.

I am Omega. Survivor is heavily injured. We require your assistance.

Oh Ok... Wait WHAT??!!! I'm coming right now.

Omega squinted his eyes as a bright flash announced the presence of the God of the Sun.

"Where is she?" He asked, his voice uncharacteristically serious.

Omega gestured for him to follow as he made his way to the infirmary.

As soon as he went in, he halted, and Apollo bumped into him.

"What the... " Apollo paused.

The sight was frightening to say the least. Cabin members were running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

They frantically tried to stop the flow of blood, but it wasn't lessening.

"Alright. Girls, Melissa, stay here. Will, take the rest outside"

He tried to remove her hood, but it didn't budge.

"We need to remove the hood. Why isn't it moving?" He asked, turning to Omega.

"Only Survivor can remove the hood"

Without a warning, Will took a knife and cut through the hood. Startled, Omega took a step forward, but was held back.

"We won't remove her mask. Now OUT!!!" Apollo shouted.


5 hours. 5 freaking hours. Luke had awoken 2 hours earlier, and immediately started screaming for Amy. Despite Percy's best efforts, he wasn't able to calm down. So Percy did the one thing he could think of.

He sung.

Yes, quite stupid, but he had heard the tune Amy hummed every time Luke, or anyone in the army for that matter, had a panic attack. He hummed that tune.

Percy Jackson and Chaos - BOOK-2 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now