Chapter - 7

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1000 Chaos years later

That was how long Amy had taken to trust the others. She was, sadly, still cold, but once in a while, her laughter would echo through the hallways. The twins had trained together, learning to master their powers and use help from their Companions. Of course, shadow fire was extremely dangerous, so they gained mastery over it under the vigilance of Chaos.
Percy, Amy and the rest now all had code-names.

Percy - Omega

Amy - Survivor

Luke - second-in-command - Hero

Bianca - Maiden

Zoe - Third-in-command - Star

Silena - Beauty

Charles - Flame

Castor - Vines

Michael - Archer

Currently, Survivor was locked in battle with Star. They were surprisingly, almost equally matched. Even if Survivor was as good as Omega in sword fighting. Star used a different style, so she had to adapt quickly to it. She was having fun. Just as she was about to disarm Star, Omega vapor travelled to her.

She groaned.

"Couldn't you have come like... I don't know.... 5 minutes later? I was about to win"

Omega smirked.

"No can do sis. Dad wants to talk to us. It's really important"

She sighed, and nodded. Star gave a quick thumbs up at Omega, who returned it.

When in presence of others, the army called each other by their code names. But when in private, it's always their earth names.

"Did he atleast mention why?" Amy asked, matching her pace with Percy's as they strolled to their Dad's room.

He shook his head. It was quite sudden now that he thought about it.

They entered his room to find Chaos unusually pacing back and forth. Percy frowned. He almost never does that. If he does, it's either because he's angry or nervous.

Hopefully it's the latter.

Sylvia and Serena were currently training with each other, how to communicate signals during battle and all those. Amy had wanted to check on them after training. Guess that's going to be postponed.

"Dad?" Percy asked. Chaos jumped, looking at them.

"You called?" Amy asked, seeing as he wasn't answering any time soon.

"Oh right... You might want to read this" Chaos said, throwing an article across the room. Percy caught it, and the two skimmed through it.

What they read made their blood boil, and red clouded their vision.

"This..... I don't even have words for this..... Why hasn't this guy been tortured and killed already?" Amy asked, her fists clenched and shaking with anger.

The twins had learnt how to keep their anger in check to prevent another explosion. Last time it happened, they destroyed a planet.

Literally. The planet exploded.

But it was Percy's doing. Amy had managed to rein her anger in, in time.

Thankfully, it was uninhabited. Thank the Void, otherwise that would be a disaster.

Chaos sighed.

"He recognises our army too well. He escapes before the soldier can make a move. Which is why I called you both here"

Percy Jackson and Chaos - BOOK-2 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now