Chapter - 1

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Its been 2 weeks since Amy returned, and Camp was as normal as ever. Amy had joined Percy in teaching swords, along with helping new campers control their powers. Which was a lot more work than she thought it would be. Thalia and Nico had to leave, Thalia with the hunters, Nico to the underworld because his dad called.

It was evening, near dinner. Percy and Amy were strolling along the borders of Camp, chatting idly. The seven were staying for a month, before leaving to attend to their duties. Amy was trying to teach a stubborn Percy how to Siren speak. Much like charm speak, only it held much more power when sung.

"Come on Percy!!! Just sing the first line!!!" Amy was getting impatient, but hid it well.

"Nope. Na ah...Nada!! What if someone sees me singing? Its going to be sooo embarrassing!!!"

"I'll give you blue cookies....." She switched tactics.

He immediately nodded, willing to do almost anything for blue cookies. "Deal...make it 12 cookies and I'll sing the entire song"

She sighed in relief, and nodded. Just as Percy was about to open his mouth and sing, a scream drew their attention. Amy groaned, and Percy smirked.

"Don't even start" she warned him, having read his mind.

He shrugged, and the siblings ran to the source of the sound. They found a boy, almost 16, running away from a pack of hellhounds. Amy and Percy exchanged glances, and took out their weapons. They charged, stabbing and cutting through the pack. Percy finished the job, and Amy ran to check on the boy.

"Hey...Are you alright? Do you need..?" She was cut off when the boy snatched her sword out of her hand, just as the campers appeared on the hills.

"I was fighting these monsters without any training, and these two just stood their and watched like cowards!!! Heck, the girl was crying like a baby because I stabbed them!!!" He shouted.

Percy and Amy froze, shock evident on their face. The younger campers, by some weird logic believed him. They glared at the two, and stalked away. Chiron, and the older campers, along with the seven, did not believe the kid. What really hurt Amy was the fact that the kid looked smug about it. She hid it really well. Percy however, was furious, but held his emotions in check.

Quite hard considering the kid tried to flirt with Annabeth, who was clearly way older than him and way out of his league.

"What's your name son?" Chiron asked politely.

"Dean Smith" He said in an arrogant voice.

At that moment, a light burst out and a trident hung above Dean. Percy felt his mouth hang open in shock. Amy hid her reaction, but she felt pretty shocked. And she could hear that he kept his thoughts guarded around them. Great. Now she can't tell his real motives for what he did.

"All hail Dean Smith, the son of Poseidon, God of the seas, horses, Earthshaker, Stormbringer"


The next few weeks were a torture for the siblings. The older campers slowly started blaming small things on the pair, accusing them if someone stole something, or if someone destroyed something. Amy and Percy were always on the receiving end of their rants. They waited patiently, hoping one day they would see sense. Dean was behind all the chaos, all the dark mischief, and they knew it. Amy and Percy just didn't have proof.

But, Dean crossed it.

Amy was walking alongside the lake alone, without Percy. The campers suddenly burst in and surrounded her.

Percy Jackson and Chaos - BOOK-2 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now