Chapter - 11

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"Wait... She's hiding something? And Luke knows about it?" Bianca asked, whipping her head back and forth between Luke and Michael.

Luke gulped. He had two options. Get beaten to death by Amy for telling them what he knew, or getting beaten to death by the army for NOT telling.

None looked pretty.

"Yeah I heard Luke ask her if she told us something" Michael said, staring hard at him

"What could he know that we don't?" Percy asked.

Quite a lot actually, Luke thought.

"I'm taking a Nap guys!!!! I want my pancakes ready!!!" Amy shouted from her room.

"Sure thing!!! How about you make them??" Castor shouted back. Luke could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"You know why I don't make them!!! I don't want our Cabin in ruins!!!!"

Percy chuckled. But Silena and Bianca weren't letting go of the situation.

"So... What were you asking her?" Bianca pressed further

"Uhh.... I don't think... I mean... She wouldn't... I can't.... " Luke stuttered. What? How could he break it to them that the very campers they were trying to help practically abused Amy?

"What?" Percy said in a dangerously calm voice. His eyes turned black with rage.

Crap. He spoke out loud.

"They.... ABUSED HER???!!" Bianca screamed. Zoe was enraged, as well as Silena. Beckendorf was seething, and Castor looked horrified. Michael was too shocked by the reaction, and Percy.... Well.... Let's just say he had enough anger to blow up 5 planets

That's a lot of anger.

"Guys... I said I was going to sleep... Tone it down a notch will ya?" Amy said, walking out of the room, rubbing her eyes.

She looked around, sensing the change in atmosphere, then whirled to face Luke with murderous eyes.

He gulped, and scrambled back.

"You told them... Didn't you?" She said. He was, thankfully, saved answering by Percy.

"What did they do?" He asked

"Percy... Really it's not"

"WHAT DID THEY DO??!?!" He screamed. Amy flinched from the volume, and looked up to meet his face. His eyes were black with rage, and tears were streaming down his face. He looked so broken that she sighed

"You wouldn't like it..." She muttered.

"Please.... I want to know..." He pleaded, his voice cracking from emotion.

She stared at him, and dragged three fingers across her heart, like a clawed gesture.

Luke didn't know how bad it was, but he definitely didn't imagine it this bad.

"No... " Bianca gasped quietly, her hand flying up to her mouth. Percy stumbled forward, staring. Luke was frozen on the spot.

She told him it didn't hurt. It sure looked like it hurt, badly.

Black and purple bruises covered her entire body. If it lasted for 2500 years, Luke didn't even want to imagine how painful it must have been for her to first receive them.

That's wasn't even the worst part.

Words, cut into her skin, filled her arms, legs, and one on her neck. The scars were still red, and the edges were charred.

Percy Jackson and Chaos - BOOK-2 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now