2. What is right and wrong

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You collect points for many different things, but they are categorised differently so you can't just spend all your points on stuff like booze and gambling. I should probably explain the points system to you.

Everybody is on the same system, even the Secaro which is surprising. They are in place to keep everyone happy, healthy and away from bad things. A lot of things don't require points, such as housing and food. This is all automatically given to everyone depending on their situation. I, for example, have a one bedroom apartment and my food is based on my muscular appearance, tall height and healthy interest in sports and physical activity. I get more than say, a teenage girl. I am also given access to some basic fitness equipment so that I can keep in shape.

Transport is fairly simple. People are picked up for work if they aren't in walking distance, and are allowed to visit more distant family via request once or twice a year. You are also allowed to make a few extra trips a year if you want to visit somewhere new or take a holiday. But it is limited.

Points are solely there for luxury and are categorised for our own benefit. There is food & drink, which is helpful if you like a tiny bit of alcohol every now and then, or the odd slice of chocolate cake. You are given enough points for approximately one luxury food/drink item a week, but you can save these points for as long as you like.

There is also a leisure category which enables you to make approx. one small trip every 2 weeks (such as the theatre), or a massive one every 6 months (like a trip to the Grand Canyon). There are a few other categories that aren't too important. The best category is probably the miscellaneous one. This is to be spent purely on large items, such as a musical instrument or my personal favourite - a car. But cars can take half a lifetime to save up for, unless someone donates it or donates a load of points for good deeds you have done.

The police sometimes offer a points reward if you can give them helpful information, or someone can donate a few points as a thank you for something such as helping them up when they fall down, or giving them directions when they are lost. It isn't expected to happen, just some people are kind enough to give away points they don't need - like food & drink if they are on a diet, or a couple of leisure points if they are too busy to go for a few weeks.

So here I am at the bar. Healthy and energising drinks are given for free to all crew members on shift, although it is only one per person at each time. I have been nursing my one but when this man looks at me, I nearly go and spill it everywhere. He is gorgeous.

Oh right, we were speaking to each other. 'Only the nervous ones waste their precious points on something like that, unless you really just want to get hammered.' As a Secaro, I doubt he was the sort to want to get drunk.

The Secaro looked very similar to humans. They were ever so slightly taller, clearly more intelligent, and they had an extra finger on each hand. I assumed an extra toe as well. It didn't look as horrible or a weird as it sounded - we were all used to their appearance. Their faces were finely chiseled and they had the smoothest skin imaginable. You could get lost in their slightly bigger eyes as they were normally the weirdest, multicoloured, pearlescent colour you could find - and they did sort of come in different colours. Some were shades of blue and green, some were of nearly all colours that existed, and some were just indescribable.

Their skin wasn't quite like ours. It felt the same, but had tinges of colour to it - mostly white, green and blue although it was so faint, you could almost miss it. It's no wonder they were considered more handsome than us, even the women.

The women had a strong masculine look to them, which often meant Secasexuality was quite common amongst them. Their genders looked so similar to one another that it didn't matter if it was male or female. Us humans however, favoured the opposite gender of our species. Gay humans did exist, but it wasn't anywhere near as common as the Secaro.

It is also no wonder that humans sometimes paired themselves with a Secaro given how handsome they were. We called this type of relationship 'Secaruman'. They were essentially human and worked the same as we did, so it was completely possible. Most mixed couples consisted of a female Secaro with a male human, although I did spot the odd male Secaro with a human female. I never spotted a male Secaro and a male human. I don't think the male Secaro favoured or fancied humans in any gender.

This brings me back to my current situation. I never really identified myself as gay before. You spend so long away from the world before you become Level 3M/F that you don't get a chance to look at someone to be a potential mate. I think this is the first time I have found someone attractive and he isn't even human. Or female. Is there even a name for same sex, alien/human relationships? I guess there is a chance I just fancy Secaro, in either gender, as they are so beautiful to look at. I haven't come across many of the women before so there is a chance. But something is telling me otherwise.

I don't mind the fact that I may be gay. Even though it is uncommon on Earth, there is absolutely no problem with it. There is a slight problem with Secaruman relationships however. Although it is accepted, the humans often feel disgusted by it as they did invade and take over our planet. The Secaro aren't exactly disgusted by it but they seem to have another reason for frowning upon it, but they don't tell us why.

The only people that do seem to accept them is the people in those relationships themselves, and the humans that believe that the invasion was a good thing for humanity - but you won't get many admit that out loud. I don't exactly go shouting the fact I agree out to everyone I meet.

The handsome Secaro is just staring at me currently. Maybe he doesn't like me speaking to him or may have offended him with the hammered/wasting points comment. 'I didn't offend you did ?' No big deal, if I did then I can apologise, if I didn't, then he just doesn't like humans and I can turn away.

He still did not speak. I felt a bit crushed by this, such a cruel twist of fate that the one person I fancy, doesn't even want to speak to me. I go to turn away but his mouth opens finally. 'No offence taken.' And with that, he finishes his drink and walks away.

So maybe he doesn't like me then. It was just as well, Secaro men and human men just would not work together. Nobody does it and it would just cause me hassle with some of the men aboard my ship.

Oh my ship! I check the time real quick and I have 10 minutes to get back to it. I should make that, just about.

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