20. And now we must wait

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'Nervous?' I asked. Jax was about to speak to the Captain regarding our relationship, and in a short amount of time, our fate would be sealed.

'Strangely no. I know this is the right thing to do.' Jax was in good spirits but I, however, felt a little apprehensive.

'Don't you go quiting for me, you hear?' I searched his eyes for a response. 'We are far more likely so see one another again if I am sent to Earth, rather than you sent back home.' Jax tried to answer my plea with a longing look and a peck on my forehead. 'Nice try, I need you to promise.'

Reluctantly, Jax spoke out 'Yes.' But he knew that wasn't all I needed to hear. 'I promise. Is that better?' Much.

'If you break this promise I will hunt you down and punish you, I hope you know that.'

'Oo, I like the sound of that,' he winked. Damn me and my poor choice of words. I just stared at him until he knew I was being serious. 'Ok, I best go now.' He swiftly changed the subject. 'The sooner we can find out, the better.'

I kissed him goodbye with a polite peck, fighting to hide my emotion, but he clearly wasn't having any of it. Before I could pull away, he was pulling me right back in, eyes full of lust and hunger. I had to stop this otherwise I would never let him go. 'Go, before you get distracted and change your mind.' I urged.

'I already am distracted.' He licked his lips and went to go back in for another kiss, but I stopped him. We stood there sizing each other up, wiling the other to back down. 'Fine. As you wish.' He was the one to back down, but it had to be this way.

Walking towards the door, he took one final look at me before exiting.

'I love you!' I called out, almost forgetting. It was too late, he had already gone and the doors had closed.

Completely drained of all emotion for the time being, I decided to stay in his cabin for a while. News travels faster than the messenger on this ship it seems, and I didn't fancy listening to my own gossip. I was about to take a seat when it happened.

The doors suddenly opened and before I could register what was going on, a pair of lips landed firmly on mine. The offending person pulled away. 'i love you too.' he got out, and left almost as quickly as he came. Today was going to be hard.


I was going insane - Jax had been gone for hours and there was still no word. I would hope that they would have let him say goodbye to me if they were moving him, so maybe not hearing anything is a good sign.

I wish. He has gone and quit, I just know it. The stupid oaf. He may love playing the hero but that is possibly the worst idea ever - humans are never allowed on a Secaro bound flight and that's where he would have to go if he quit.

I just wish I knew something, anything. Even if he just sent a message telling me he was still waiting to speak to the Captain, it would be better than nothing.

It looks like I have my wish - someone is approaching the cabin. They don't even alert me, they seem to have permission to enter regardless. Oh this is bad...

'Stottle?' It was Erics, one of the only other friendly Secaro aboard the ship.

'Oh god, have you been sent for me?' He needed to get it over with already.

'No. Well yes, but I am here to collect something for Jax. I didn't expect to find you in his cabin - I was to report to your cabin next.' Strange, why would Jax not tell the Captain where I was? We must be in trouble if someone is being sent to collect his things.

'Shit. We are in trouble aren't we?' I had to know.

'Truthfully, I have no idea what you are on about. I was just told to report to this cabin, and then yours. But if you don't mind a bit of honesty, off the record of course, it does seem like trouble.

All I know is Jax went to the Captain, a few important calls were made and now the Captain wishes to speak to both of you. But if it is concerning what I think it is, I am fully on your side.' He finished with a warm smile. Did he know about...? Surely not.

'Do I need to bring anything?'

'Just yourself, and maybe help me locate a jacket. That's what I was sent here for - he is a bit chilly if you can believe.'

We located the jacket and began the walk to the Captains quarters. This was beginning to get very serious all of a sudden and I wasn't quite prepared. Secaro aren't one for small talk so Erics wasn't helping to relax me.

When we eventually arrived, I had the sudden urge to bolt, but there was nowhere to go - I was mid flight after all. Bracing myself for what was to come, I entered.

'Ah, Stottle, please sit down.' The Captain looked very serious as he spoke, and Jax was unreadable. I handed Jax his jacket and sat down. 'I assume you know why you are here.'

'Yes Captain. And with permission to speak sir, send me home, don't punish Jax.'

'There is no need Stottle. I have spoken to my superiors and have been given orders. If it was up to me, I would happily re-position you. But my orders are to allow you to continue your positions on this flight until we land on Earth, where you both must then be relieved of duty and report elsewhere. It is out of my hands I am afraid.'

Shit, we were in so much trouble. 'I understand Captain.'

'Excellent. Now before you both go, I wish for you to understand the importance of discretion. You are to utter no words of this situation and continue as normal. When we land, I will be escorting you to your destination and that is were we will all part ways.

On a official note, I hope you understand relationships aboard this ship are strictly prohibited. However, should you wish to disobey this rule for the next few days, I can see it that the eagle-eye look elsewhere for the time being given your circumstance.' Did he just give us permission to fool around  until we land? We must be in more trouble when we land than I thought. 'Now I must be off, I wish you luck.'

With that, the Captain exits and leaves Jax and I alone.

'Shit.' That could have come from either one of us at that moment in time. In fact, I think we both said it.

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