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There was the name of the coffee shop, standing adamantly on the top in bold coffee brown letters : "BREW BARN".

I got into my car, I was eighteen, so I was allowed to drive. This car had been a birthday gift from my elder sister, a black Volvo, which was two months ago. I turned the key and my engine roared to life; I felt so small all of a sudden in front of it. I drove.

I reached home and my roommate opened the door for me. She was smiling. Alia, possibly the best roommate ever, and when I say it, I mean it. She cooks for me, cleans the whole apartment by herself and is super nice to me. We even like the same TV shows, so we don't quarrel over it much.
Also, she's my best friend.

"You have mail." She said as I crashed on the couch. I took the envelope from the teapoy and tore it open.



I checked my phone. Four missed calls, she'd texted me too. Inside the envelope, was my ticket to New York.

Plane. Jet lag. No.

My family – my mom, dad and my elder sister – they lived in New York.

Alia called me for dinner.

But first, I've to call her back.

                               * * *

I was leaning on the breakfast table of brew barn, watching the rain through the glass wall on the right side, thinking about my meeting with my parents. It had been so fast she had no time to reflect. The cafe was quiet today so I had time and the silence to ponder over it.

My parents were happy to see me. Also, they pointed out several times how thin I'd gotten ( which was not true ). When we were eating lunch, some guy was invited whom I didn't know, probably Carina's boyfriend.

"This is Jack, " Carina said, "my friend." and winked at me.

"Hello." he said extending his hand towards me.

I shook it and said, "Nice to meet you." while smiling at Carina.

Carina was my elder sister, she was one of the few who possessed both 'beauty and brains'. She had brownish black hair, like me,- we got that from my mom- she had them in beautiful elaborate curls down her waist. Curvy, fair skinned, flawless. Her looks were simply amazing and she always struck out as the more pretty and intelligent sibling. It was awful growing up with her. My dad and her runs a business together, and she's doing a pretty good job at it.

Me, on the other hand, was short, thin, not much, but just a little. We had the same curly brownish black hair, mine were till mid back, hers were longer and the same fair skin. I usually wear lose baggy clothes, which completely hid my curves, if they are there at all. I have two large front teeth, like a little girl's. They really reminded me of Hermione from Harry Potter and Lily Collins, so I've learned to live with them. And coffee brown eyes.

"What do you think about him? " Carina whispered to me while we were having lunch.

"He seems nice. " I replied. He did look nice. He had shoulder length wavy bronze-gold hair, honey gold eyes, skin like the inside of an almond and was tall. He wore blue jeans, with a white shirt and a sandal coloured jacket. He looked very nice actually.

"It might get serious you know." she whispered, half smiling, half blushing. It just seemed like a joke to me, because, well, she's never serious on anyone. I get to know about new guys from her every 2-3 months and I have to listen to her fangirling about them all on calls.

I just controlled my laughter, and murmured, "Good."

The next part, I didn't like it. My mom asked me to move in the next year, as I'll complete my school and she wanted me to go to college here, and stay with them.

So that's the reason she wanted me to visit, she knew I would dodge her on calls, and ignore the texts. Way to go, Mom.

"I'm not sure yet, Mom. " I replied.

"What's there to be sure about, Thea. You belong here with your family, honey. I know she'll come around dear. " my Dad said, reassuring my Mom.

They didn't press the conversation further, and shifted it go Jack and Carina. He was an architect and liked playing guitar too. He met Carina in a cafe where he played sometimes.

I was long uninterested in everything and my blackhole of thoughts sucked me in. I still didn't know what I was going to do after school, and now I'm supposed to shift here? I wish I could spend some more years.

I left after two days, and have been thinking about it ever since.

                             * * *

"Umm, hello? Could you be Miss Cynthia Swan? "

I was too preoccupied that I didn't notice the girl ahed of me, she looked strange. She wore a yellow sweatshirt, her hood over her head and the rain had soaked her hairs. She wore yellow slacks and a white shirt. Her rectangular black glasses dangling on her little nose.

"Yes.... just Thea. " I said.

"Oh, it's really nice to meet you! I'm Kriti! " she exclaimed, extending her wet hand to me.

I shook it awkwardly, "So how can I help you? What do you wanna order? "

"Oh no, no, I'm here to work, I'm starting from today. I assume John sir told you about me? " she looked at me, with a  friendly expression, looking for a reply.

The new girl.

A/N :

Hey guys! Thank you for all the reads for the previous chapter, it means a lot to me. And I know this chapter is a bit short too, I'll make sure the next one will be longer. Keep reading ahed, I promise to make it interesting, just need a little support :)

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Take care,
Euphoria 💜

A girl who worked in a coffee shop ☕Where stories live. Discover now