8 0 0

"She's a mess!" I complained.

Sam, my colleague at the coffee shop, was listening to me complain. He's like the manager here, and handles all the billing stuff.

It was me, Maya and Sam today at the coffee shop. There's one more girl, Abolee, but she only works Thursdays and Saturdays. And of course, the newest member, Kriti, who just joined recently.

"Well, I taught her many times, still she messes it all up, like how hard can it be to make a nice little cup of coffee!?" I continued.

It wasn't even a week she joined and I was already fed up of her, she was a complete mess, didn't understand how to operate the coffee machine even though been taught several times. Spilled milk all over her face and apron once, broke a cup, took wrong orders, and was always so damn confused!

"Just give her some Thea, she'll get around. "

"Yeah, easy for you to say, everything she messes up, I have to fix that!"

"Well, think of it as a challenge sweetie. " He suggested.

"Whatever, man."

If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to complain to John about her. He was the owner of this coffee shop, and we were family friends. Also, he'd a crush on me since forever, and even though it's obvious, but he's completely oblivious to the fact that how indifferent I feel about him! Nonetheless, he is adamant.

I went back to my work, it was 8 o'clock in the morning and it was just me and Sam. Kriti and Maya hadn't showed up yet. The shop was quiet and peaceful. The sunlight shining in through the glass wall of the cafe. It was a beautiful day. And just as I was admiring how blissful it was outside,
I saw him.

Since that day, he had been visiting daily. Never drinking what he ordered, but just sitting there on the same table everyday and reading. Today too, he did the same. I served him his coffee, he didn't look at me and continued to read on. When he didn't say anything I asked him, "Is something wrong with the coffee sir?"

He seemed surprised to hear me speak. He didn't say anything for some time, his azure blue eyes locked on mine, stirring something inside me, making my heart race, and I thought maybe he decided to ignore me and that I should go, when he said, "I don't feel like it."

I was puzzled, but then again, everything about him made me curious, who was this guy? Why do I think of him so much? What did he mean by he doesn't feel like it? There were so many questions about me. There was so much about him. A sense of familiarity yet a strangeness.

Before I could say something else, he got up and left. And I just stood there.

                         *   *   *

"I invited Rohan for dinner." Alia told me from the kitchen.

I was watching TV, "Who's Rohan? " I asked.

"He's our new neighbour. He's new in the city. And recently shifted. "

"Oh, how do you know him? " I asked. Very suspicious.

"I met him on my way today when I was leaving for college. He lives alone, he's looking for a roommate but you know how hard it is to find someone good. He plays basketball and is an artist, isn't that cool? "

"Wait, did you even go to college!? " I asked, startled.

"Well, I missed the first two classes, but I did. " she blushed a little.

The door bell rang. Must be him.

"Hey." he said as I opened the door.

"Hello." I returned. I looked at the box in his hands.

"Oh, um, this is for you. " he said, handing it to me, smiling. I took it, although it was for Alia. I love cake, and he'd actually gotten it from my favourite shop. Still, I decided not to like him.

"Thanks." I said. He stood there awkwardly.

"Hey Rohan! Come in. " Alia said from behind. I stepped aside and he came in. They both instantly started talking something I didn't care to hear and instead, banged the door shut.
"Oops, sorry. " I said, interrupting their conversation.

This can't be happening! Maybe they'll get together and he'll be at our place all the time or she'll be at his! Shoot, she might even move in with him. I'm gonna be left alone. He's stealing her from me, I can't get a better roommate than her!
I'm so not giving her up, especially to some guy.

Alia had made us Pasta and served it.

"This is really good." we both said at the same time.

He grinned at me, and I just showed him my teeth.

"Thankyou." Alia smiled.

They tried to include me in the conversation but I was indifferent, silently chewing on my pasta, and not to mention, eating a lot of it. I tend to eat when I'm bored or anxious. I found myself thinking about Edward and our conversation today. It wasn't even a conversation, not to mention how he walked out on me. I wondered if I'll get to see him tomorrow too.


Hello everyone! I hope you all are good. Also, stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

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Keep reading,
Euphoria 🌻

A girl who worked in a coffee shop ☕Where stories live. Discover now