Chapter 7

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Dahlia's POV

"I've had you looking in the wrong section" Hermione grumbled slamming a large book down making Harry and Ron jump, "I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading" She commented,

"This is light?" I teased making her glared at me before turning her attention back to the book,

"Nicholas Flamel is the known maker of the Philosopher's Stone" she read out, I raised an eyebrow and looked at the book,

"The what?" Harry and Ron asked, I rolled my eyes

"Don't you two read? The Philosopher's stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers" I read out,

"I believe a visit to Hagrid is in order" Hermione stated and the boys nodded.


That night we went to Hagrids to confront him about the Philosophers stone

"We know about the Philosophers Stone" we argued as he began to close the door on us,

"You better come in" Hagrid sighed opening the door again, once we were in he went over to a pot over the fire that was rattling and removed an egg,

"Is that an egg?" Hermione questioned,

"That's not just any's a-how did you get it Hagrid?" Ron asked,

"A fella down at the bar was getting rid of it, he asked a few questions about Fluffy-"

"That thing has a name?" I exclaimed meaning the three headed dog, he nodded before the egg began to hatch my eyes widened as a baby dragon came out,

"A dragon...that's a dragon" Harry commented, I rolled my eyes at him but caught someone peering in at the window, my eyes widened as he ran off once he noticed me,

"Malfoy!" I exclaimed as I ran to the hut door and saw him running up the hill.


Malfoy has snitched on us and now all five of us were in detention, which was taking place with Hagrid, in the Forbidden Forest, were walking through forest when Hagrid split us up, Harry, Malfoy and myself, along with Fang went one way, while Hagrid, Hermione and Ron went the other,

"Why'd you follow us in the first place, Malfoy?" I interrogated, he ignored me as we stopped to see a cloaked figure drinking from the Unicorn, Malfoy and Fang ran off yelling/barking while Harry and myself back away slowly from the figure as it came closer, we fell onto some roots, the cloaked figure towered over us before a centaur jumped over us tackling the figure and making it retreat,

"Harry Potter, Dahlia Black you're not safe here" He stated,

"Who are you? What was that?" Harry asked as I stared at the dying Unicorn,

"I'm Firenze and that there was the man who's living a half life..." He introduced, I walked over to the Unicorn making it panic,

"Hey, it's okay...I'm not going to hurt you" I whispered stroking its face, it calm down, I took a deep breath as I ran a hand over its neck healing the puncture wounds, I stood up and watched the Unicorn slowly rise itself, I smiled as it nudged me with its nose

"I knew you were unique, Dahlia Black but healing a have a talent Miss Black, don't let it go to waste" Firenze stated, I nodded

"Firenze" Hagrid greeted as the others appeared, "Harry, alright?" He asked, we nodded

"This is where I leave you, you're safe now" Firenze commented before leaving, we went over to Hagrid, he noticed the Unicorn blood over my hands and handed my a rag to clean it off with,

"Let's get you back to the Castle" Hagrid stated before leading us out of the Forest and up to the Castle, McGonagall took us to our Common rooms,

"Voldemort is still alive, only just but he's alive" Harry stated as we sat in front of the fireplace, I turned to him

"Was that who it was? Voldemort tried to kill us?" I questioned, he nodded, I sighed getting up and standing at the window, "He's after the Philosophers Stone...that's why he's around the school" I explained,

"He's waiting for Snape to get the stone so he can come back" Harry added,

"If that's the case, we need to get to it before him. We're going to get the stone tomorrow night. Deal?" I asserted, the three of them nodded in agreement.

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