Chapter 50

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Dahlia's POV

I sighed as I stared at the ceiling, Aurora asleep on one side of me while Fred was snoring on the other, I shifted into a mouse to get out of bed without waking the two, once I got out I shifted back and headed downstairs, I noticed Harry walking away from the house so I followed,

"Where are you going Potter?" I questioned stopping him in his tracks and turn to me,

"Don't try and stop me D. It's safer for everyone if I leave now" He retorted, I raised an eyebrow

"So you're just going to up and leave without saying bye to anyone? Not even Ron or Hermione?" I interrogated,

"You know as well as me that they'd just try and stop me. Why do you even care what I'm doing?" He asked, I scoffed folding my arms,

"Because everyone in that house has just risked their lives just to bring you here and now you're just going to throw it back in their faces. I couldn't give a shit what you do Potter. You cheated on me twice, I loved you with everything I had and you threw that in my face" I snapped,

"D, I-"

"No! You don't get to call me that anymore. You know what go ahead leave! Go get yourself killed cause you know for a fact that it's because of Hermione and Ron that you're not already" I screamed cutting him off and storming off to go back inside, but he grabbed my arm preventing me

"Would you let me explain" He pleaded, I turned around and shoved him to the ground before glaring at him making him let out groans/yells of pain,

"D! What are you doing?" Ron yelled as he ran out and tackled me in a hug to stop the curse, I pulled away from him and went back into the house, wiping my eyes of the tears that were forming, "You really messed it up there mate" I overheard him say before closing the door and heading to the stairs, I got up to my room and went in seeing that Fred and Aurora had now completely taken over all the space making me sigh, shaking my head as I closed the door again, I sat on the stairs just outside of the twins room, they must've put a charm on it since it was deadly silent, I heard the floor boards creak before Ron and Harry emerged from downstairs, I rolled my eyes and slid to the side so they could get passed, ignoring the concerning looks from the pair.


"Georgey, wake u-Argh!" Fred screamed waking me up, I groaned as I stood up from the stairs and went into the room to see George and Val naked hugging the duvet close to their bodies,

"Dude!" George exclaimed,

"You guys did it?! I'm telling Mum!" He yelled as he went to leave but my hand shot out towards the door making it slam shut and lock, "Hey!" He exclaimed, Val had slipped on some shorts and shirt before approaching Fred and I,

"You're not telling your Mum. In fact you're not going to tell anyone. Understood?" She demanded, he nodded

"Yes" He sighed in defeat,

"Good. Now get out" She demanded as she opened the door, we left

"How come you were asleep on the stairs?" Fred asked as we went downstairs,

"Couldn't sleep so I got out to go outside for fresh air by the time I returned you and Rora had taken over the whole bed" I explained, he gave a weak smile rubbing the back of his neck,

"Sorry" He apologised, I shrugged

"It's fine. I knew the risk when I got out of bed" I chuckled making him smile and pull me into a hug.


I made my way downstairs close behind George, we crept into the Kitchen as Ginny and Harry were snogging, I raised an eyebrow and exchanged a look with George, who was looking at me with sympathy, I rolled my eyes before they broke a part and looked towards us,

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