Chapter 10

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Dahlia's POV

"Ey up" I say mentioning Professor Sprout entering the Greenhouse, turns out Harry and Ron couldn't get through the barrier at the train station so decided to bring the Flying car to Hogwarts,

"Place the earmuffs on right away" Sprout ordered, everyone did and looked around at each other, she then yanked a Mandrake out of the pot making it let out a horrifying scream, I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my earmuffs tighter against my ears as images of that night flashed through my mind, Hermione placed a hand on my arm making me open my eyes slightly and drop my arms,

"You okay?" She asked, worry etched into her face, I nodded giving her a reassuring smile,

"Yeah, just flashbacks. Nothing serious" I answered, she slowly nodded and turned her attention back to Sprout.


The four of us were sat in the Great Hall, watching Ron tape his wand back together, I shook my head at him,

"Go on. Say it; I'm doomed" He sighed,

"You're doomed" Harry repeated making me chuckle,

"You're royally screwed" I stated trying to contain my laughter,

"Hi Harry! Dahlia!" A young boy greeted before flashing with his camera, I stared down at the table blinking repeatedly, "I'm Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor too!" He exclaimed, I rubbed my eyes and looked back up at him,

"Hi Colin, nice to meet you" Harry replied, I nodded in agreement giving a smile,

"Ron, is that your owl?" Dean asked as the family owl flew down towards us, it crashed into the bowl on the table, shattering it making the Slytherins laugh, I shot them a glare and they turned back around,

"Bloody bird's a menace" Ron grumbled removing these envelope from its beak,

"Ron's got himself a Howler!" Seamus announced causing more laughter, Ron slowly opened it,

"Ronald Weasley!" The Howler yelled making him throw it down at the table, "How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted! Your Father's now facing an inquiry at work and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home!" It asserted making my eyes widen in shock as I looked at Ron, the Howler turned towards Ginny who was sat a little down from us with a book in front of her, "And Ginny, dear. Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your Father and I are so proud" it stated before blowing the ribbon at Ron then tore itself up, the four of us exchanged a look between us.


Defence Against the Dark Arts with Lockhart, could they have thought of anything worse, this man is a joke, I've never want to get out of this class any quicker, and just as a little bonus, I was sat next to Malfoy with Crabbe and Goyle in front of us,

"Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Me" he said chuckling, I rolled my eyes

"Kill me now" I muttered hitting the book on the desk against my head making Malfoy chuckle,

"Gilderoy Lockhart. Order of Merlin, third class honorary member of the Dark Force Defence league and five-times winner of Witch Weekly's most-charming smile award" he smiled, I dropped the book on the desk before I placed my head on the desk lightly banging it against it,

"Crabbe or Goyle could win that" Malfoy whispered making me stop and smirk at him,

"I didn't get rid of the Brandon Banshee by smiling at him" Lockhart added, I rolled my eyes getting fed up of his gloating and stood up,

"You didn't get rid of Voldemort as a babies either, yet you don't see Harry and I, gloating about our success. Do you?" I snapped,

"Miss Black-"

"If you dare say detention, I will walk out of this class" I warned cutting him off, he sighed before clearing his throat and turning his attention back to the class, I dropped back down into the chair

"Now be warned, I've got to arm you against the foulest creatures know to wizard-kind" he asserted as he tapped on a cage under a cloth causing it to rattle, I raised an eyebrow "You may find yourselves facing your worst fear in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I'm here. I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them" he reassured before revealing the Cornish Pixies that were in the cage, giggling and trying to escape,

"Cornish Pixies?" Seamus asked as we laughed.

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies. You're all laughing now but let's see what you're like when they're free!" He announced before opening the cage door and they all flew out and caused chaos, as the other students ran out of the room screaming,

"Sir do something!" I heard Harry yell, Lockhart failed his spell since one of the Pixies stole his wand,

"Now what?!" Ron yelled, I sighed and stood on the table, pulling my wand out

"Immobulus!" I jinxed, all the pixies stopped in place as I looked around the room, I glared at Lockhart before putting my wand away and jumping off the table picking his wand up and took it up to him, he cowered away from me making me scoff, "How the hell you've got through life, I will never know" I spat before dropping his wand and leaving the classroom.

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