Chapter 27

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Dahlia's POV

I sat down next to Hermione who was reading in the Great Hall occasionally watching students put their names into the Goblet, Cedric was shoved towards the Goblet by his friends and dropped his name into the fire before jumping on his friends backs and exiting the hall, the Weasley twins ran in causing everyone to cheer while Valeria and Aurora strolled in afterwards,

"Well lads we've done it" Fred announced,

"Cooked it up this morning" George informed revealing the ageing potion in their hands,

"It won't work" Hermione taunted so they came down to our level,

"Oh yeah?" Fred asked, I nodded

"And why's that?" George asked, I sighed

"You see this? This is an Age line. Dumbledore drew it himself" I explained,

"So?" Fred taunted,

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an ageing potion" Hermione finished off,

"But that's why it's so brilliant" Fred smiled.

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted" George smirked before they stood up on the bench, drank the potion and jumped inside the age line

"Yes" They cheered and placed their names in before it back fired, sending them across the hall and changing into old men causing Aurora and Valeria to burst out laughing,

"You said!"

"You said!"

They began fighting each other making me smile and shake my head, Krum came in and placed his name in and smiled at Hermione before leaving,

"Looks like you're on an eye of a certain Dumstrang boy eye" I teased,

"Shut up" She mumbled as she shoved me, I laughed before getting up and going over to the twins.

"Oi!" I yelled making them both stop and look at me,

"What?" They both asked as they stood up,

"Let's get you old men to Pomfrey" I smirked before dragging them out of the Great Hall, Aurora and Valeria following still laughing and pulling on their white beards,

"We should've listened to them" George whispered,

"No" Fred retorted making me raise an eyebrow and stopped in my tracks turning to them,

"Really? Who was it that told you it wasn't going to work?" I asked

"You" Fred sighed in defeat,

"Exactly. Maybe next time you'll listen" I smiled before continuing our way into the Hospital wing, Pomfrey came over to us,

"What's the problem?" She asked not looking up from her clipboard,

"Ageing potion backfired" I informed, she looked up form her clipboard and shook her head

"Why am I not surprised that it's you two" she sighed making us three girls laugh before she took them both to get treated.


"Sit down please" Dumbledore ordered, everyone did so "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for; The Champion selection" Dumbledore announced as he dimmed the light and approached the Goblet, it glowed red and shot out a parchment "Dumstrang's champion is Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore called out, Dumstrang cheered, Krum shook Dumbledore's hand and left through the back door, "Champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore announced and Beauxbatons clapped as Fleur walked up to Dumbledore and went through the same door as Krum, "Hogwarts Champion; Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore announced causing every Hogwarts student to cheer and clap, Cedric went in the same direction as the other two, "Excellent. We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore yelled as the Cup was revealed before the Goblet began to act up, Dumbledore approached it and another parchment shot out, "Harry Potter!" He called out, my eyes widened as I turned to face Harry, "Harry Potter!" He bellowed, I pulled Harry forward and he walked towards Dumbledore taking his name and leaving through the door, Dumbledore ended the ceremony and the Professors went into the back,

"Always wants to be the centre of attention" Ron sneered as we got up to leave, I slapped him upside the head,

"It's obviously been jinxed to make him be apart of it you dimwit!" I growled, he squared up to me,

"You're always defending him, when you're just as bad" he snapped, I stared at him,

"What?" I asked,

"You heard, you hate being left out" he asserted,

"Dahlia don't!" Aurora yelled but it was too late, I tackled Ron to the floor and began punching him in the face, a crowd quickly formed as people began to cheer me on, Valeria pulled me off him before Aurora held me back, Valeria standing in front of me,

"Just think yourself lucky Ronald!" I growled before pulling myself from Aurora's grip and storming out of the hall, I stood out in the Courtyard before letting out a frustrated scream as the rain pelted down on me, an umbrella appeared above me making me turn slightly to see Fluer's sister; Gabrielle giving me a small smile as she held the umbrella above us,

"Are you okay?" She asked, I smiled and nodded

"Yeah, just a little frustrated" I replied,

"Good. I've seen you around while I've been with Fluer and thought you were cool" she beamed, I crouched down to her height and held out my hand,

"Dahlia Black, it's a pleasure to meet you" I introduced, her eyes widened as she shook my hand,

"You're the girl who remembers! That makes you more cooler!" She exclaimed making me chuckle.

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