Chapter 15

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Dahlia's POV

I was sat next to Hermione's petrified body waiting for the boys to show up with fresh flowers, finally they arrived and Harry switched the flowers over,

"I need to show you something" I whispered before un-crumpling the parchment I found on Hermione moments ago and handed it him "This explains why Hermione was near the Library when she was attacked and why she had that mirror" I informed, the two read it

"But if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it no one's dead?" Ron asked as we left the Hospital Wing.

"No one did look it in the eye, not directly at least" Harry replied, I nodded in agreement,

"Colin saw it through his camera, Justin saw it through Nearly Headless Nick, and Hermione had the mirror" I explained,

"Ms. Norris?" Ron asked,

"The water, there was water on the floor" Harry stated,

"How's the Basilisk been getting around? A dirty, great snake, someone would of seen it" Ron commented,

"Hermione answered that too" I sighed as I pointed to the parchment,

"Pipes? It's been using the plumbing" Ron said in disgust,

"Remember what Aragog said about that girl 50 years ago? She died in a bathroom?" Harry asked Ron, Ron was waiting for him to continue and I twigged on.

"What if she never left? Moaning Myrtle?" I finished, they both nodded

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the Second-floor corridor immediately" McGonagall announced,

"That's just around the corner" I commented before we ran to the meeting point, where every teacher was, minus Lockhart,

"As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message. Our worst fear has been realised. A student has been taken by the monster into the chamber. The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts" McGonagall informed, my jaw dropped eventually Lockhart arrived

"So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?" Lockhart asked.

"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last" Snape smirked,

"My moment?" he asked,

"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is" Snape pointed out,

"That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills after all, are legend" McGonagall alerted as the corner of her mouth twitched upwards, I held back my laughter at her teasing,

"Very well. I'll be in my office getting...getting ready" Lockhart trailed off before leaving, I raised an eyebrow at his actions.

"Who's the monster taken, Minerva?" Madam Pomfrey asked,

"Ginny Weasley" She replied, Ron's jaw dropped as all the teachers dispatched, allowing us to finally see the message,

'Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever'

"Ginny" Ron muttered,

"She's not dying down there. Not if I have something to do with it" I reassured before we ran to Lockhart's office

"We need to tell him what we know!" Harry yelled,

"What I want to know is how he knows where the chamber is. Only descendants of Slytherin should know" I retorted, we burst into his office to find him packing, I rolled my eyes, "Told you he was useless" I commented leaning against the wall with my wand at hand, which he seemed to take notice to,

"Are you going somewhere?" Harry questioned,

"Well, yes. Urgent call. Unavoidable. Got to go" He lied,

"What about my sister?!" Ron yelled,

" for that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I" He apologised,

"Too bad no one would say that about your death" I mumbled,

"You're a fake, taking credit for what other wizards have done" Harry stated,

"Is they anything you're actually good at?" Ron asked, he began to look for his wand making me stand up straight and enter the room more,

"I'm rather gifted with memory charms. In fact I'm going to have to do the same to you" He replied as he picked up his wand, however I already had my wand pointed at him, Harry and Ron shortly joining me,

"Put it down" I growled, he let out a sheepish smile and dropped it, "You're joining us on a little journey" I informed before leading him out of the classroom as Ron and Harry kept their wands on him, we arrive at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom,

"Hello Harry, what do you want?" She asked,

"To ask you how you died" Harry asked,

"It happened right here, in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me, I was crying then somebody came in, they said something funny. I realised it was a boy so I opened the door to tell him to go away, and I died" She explained,

"She looked it directly in the eye" I whispered, Harry nodded.

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