Chapter 45

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Dahlia's POV

Harry had dragged me along to Slughorn's Christmas party since he was apart of the Slug Club,

"Drink?" Neville offered as he held a tray of champagne glasses to me,

"Neville, I have to say you look quite dashing" I smiled taking a drink,

"You didn't get into the Slug club then?" Harry asked taking a drink,

"No. It's okay though. He's got Belby handing out towels in the loo" He replied making me chuckle,

"Well that must be a sight. You enjoy yourself, Neville" I commented, he nodded

"Okay, you too" He smiled before we parted ways as I noticed Hermione hide behind a curtain so we went over to her,

"Hermione, what are you doing?" I asked,

"What happened to you?" Harry questioned as he appeared next to me,

"I've just escaped. I mean, left Cormac under the mistletoe" She answered, my eyes widened,

"Cormac? That's who you invited" Harry exclaimed,

"Thought it would annoy Ron the most?" I commented, she nodded

"He's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant" She insulted making me chuckle before a waiter popped through the curtain,

"Dragon Tartare?" He asked,

"No thanks" We all said in unison,

"Just as well, they give one horrible breath" He retorted,

"On second thought..." Hermione trailed off as she removed the tray from his hand, the waiter disappeared as she began stuffing her face making me raise an eyebrow, "Might keep Cormac at bay" She commented, I rolled my eyes at her smiling,

"He's coming. Come on" I demanded as I gave Harry the tray and dragged Hermione out from the curtain,

"Thank you" She smiled, I wafted her horrible breath away,

"The waiter wasn't lying about the bad breath" I commented earning a shove from her making me chuckle before Malfoy was dragged in by Flich,

"He claims to be invited to your party" Flich snarled,

"I'll escort him out" Snape asserted, Malfoy pulled himself from Flich's grip,

"Certainly, Professor" Malfoy retorted before being escorted out,

"Alright everyone! Carry on, carry on!" Slughorn announced, Hermione and I exchanged looks before I noticed Harry slip out after them.


"Excited to see the twins?" Hermione asked as we walked down the Train's carts,

"Of course" I smiled before it dropped as I noticed Lavender walk away from the compartment Harry and Ron were in, the two of us walked towards it, on the door glass was a heart with an arrow going through it and 'R+L' inside it, Hermione stalked off, I glared at it making the glass crack and chased her,

"I hate him" She growled as we came to our own compartment,

"No, you like him. What you hate is the fact that he's taken" I commented, she glared at me making me put my hands up in defense, "Hey, I only speak the truth. I see the way you look at him" I stated, she sighed dropping the glare,

"I guess" She mumbled as we pulled into the station, I smiled and stood up,

"Come on. Some fun's in order" I asserted holding out my hand to her, she raised an eyebrow and took it, I helped her up and made her twirl making her laugh, "That's more like it" I commented.


"Merry Christmas!" We all cheered and began handing out presents,

"Dahlia" Harry called out gaining my attention, I turned to face him and was greeted by him holding out a small box, I raised an eyebrow,

"What's that?" I asked, he placed the box in my hands

"Open it and find out" He smirked, I rolled my eyes and opened it to find a ring inside, "If you will promise yourself for me as I've done for you?" He asked, my jaw dropped and I nodded

"Forever" I smiled, he smiled and slipped the ring onto my finger before pulling me into a kiss,

"Alright enough! Before you make us sick!" Aurora called out making us pull apart and chuckle,

"I promise, I'll give you a real proposal one day" He whispered in my ear before joining Ron, Uncle Moony and Auntie Nymphadora were leaving so I joined Molly saying goodbye to them,

"Must you go?" Molly asked,

"Yes, the first night is always the worst" Nymphadora replied, I sighed and pulled her into a hug

"Please be safe" I whispered pulling away, "Both of you" I asserted looking towards Moony who was staring out into the fields, I raised an eyebrow and scoured the tall grass, "Someone's watching" I commented stepping out a little before fire surrounded the house, I was pulled back into the burrow and held by Val and Aurora, Bellatrix appeared making my eyes widen before Harry ran out passed Molly, Moony and Nymphadora to chase him,

"Harry!" Moony exclaimed as he went to chase him,

"Remus!" Nymphadora called after him but the two of them were blocked by the fire,

"Harry!" I exclaimed as I wriggled out of the twins grip and passed the fire to chase him, I arrived in the swampy part of the field and heard footsteps behind me, I turned around

"Harry?" I called out before I noticed it was Greyback, "Stupefy!" I jinxed but he blocked it, Harry joined me and we stood back to back in the middle of the clearing,

"Harry!" Arthur yelled,

"Dahlia!" Moony called out,

"Create noise" I ordered as I began to flick my wand creating small bursts of energy and loud cracks, Harry copied me

"Dahlia!" Arthur yelled, before he, Moony and Nymphadora appeared and stood around us,

Bellatrix hissed before her and Greyback turned into their black smoke and headed towards the burrow then there was an explosion making my eyes widen,

"Molly" Arthur muttered,

"No..." I trailed off before I changed into my Lioness and ran towards the Burrow, I returned to my human form and was tackled by the twins with a hug,

"Don't you ever take off like that again" Val scolded as she squeezed me, I sighed and pulled away before turning towards the Burrow that was up in flames, I approached Molly who was staring in shock, she turned to me slightly and gave me a hug which I returned,

"I'm so sorry" I whispered.

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