Chapter 4

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Dahlia's POV

After the Charms lesson with Professor Flickwick, I was walking with Hermione behind the boys, eavesdropping on their conversation, which was mostly Ron bullying Hermione,

"No wonder she hasn't got any friends" Ron commented, I stopped momentarily as she barged passed him, knocking shoulders,

"I think she heard you" Harry stated, I caught up to them

"You think?" I scoffed before punching Ron on to the floor and chasing Hermione into the Girls bathroom, she locked herself in a cubicle making me sigh, I leaned against it "Hermione please let me in" I called out, she didn't reply so I pulled my wand out "Alohomora" I jinxed and the door unlocked so I went in and locked it behind me, she looked up at me with tears steaming down her face, I pulled into a hug as she cried into my chest, "Don't take it into any account what that ginger says" I whispered stroking her hair.

After she finished crying we came out of the cubicle only to be faced with a Troll, my eyes widened before I pushed her back into the cubicle and ducked as it swung it's club smashing some of the cubicles making her scream, it swung again so I rolled out of the way as it smashed the remain cubicles,

"Hermione move!" I heard Harry yell making me look over to see him and Ron stood behind it, Hermione ran under the sinks. It went to swing but Harry grabbed hold of it and landed on its shoulders, it tried to shake him off instead it got Harry's wand up its nose before grabbing him and dangling him upside down, I grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the side and placed her behind me "Do something!" Harry yelled as he avoid the swing of the club

"What?!" Ron yelled,

"Anything!" He retorted avoiding another swing, Ron pulled out his wand

"Swish and flick" Hermione reminded,

"Wingardian Leviosa" Ron jinxed, the Troll's club hovered in the air making him smile, I quickly grabbed my wand and pointed it at the club

"Desendio" I jinxed as I made a quick movement down causing the club to drop down on top of the Troll's head rendering it unconscious, Harry got up from the ground

"Thanks" he smiled giving myself a nod, the Teachers came barging in and McGonagall gasped upon the site,

"You four again?" She questioned, I lowered my head,

"It was my fault Professor...I thought I could take on the Troll by myself...if it wasn't for Harry, Ron and Dahlia, I'd probably be dead" Hermione explained, I looked at her raising an eyebrow,

"Very well...Fifty points to be taken from Gryffindor. Then I supposed you could each be rewarded five points for dumb luck. Now back to your common room" McGonagall ordered, we nodded and scurried away,

"Why'd you take the blame?" I asked as we walked into the Common room, she shrugged

"I don't just felt right" she answered looking down,

"Thank you" I smiled giving her a hug,

"Yeah thanks...I'm sorry about what I said before" Ron apologised, Harry nodded in agreement, "Also Dahlia you've got a mean punch" he commented making us laugh, we walked further into the Common room, the other three went up to bed, I approached the twins,

"Little D, what can we do to help you?" George asked as the four of them lifted their heads up from the parchment, I stared at the parchment and my eyes widened,

"The Marauders Map...where did you find that?" I asked, they all exchanged a look

"Filch's do you know of this?" Aurora asked, I closed it shut showing the names on the front,

"Moony; Uncle Remus Lupin, Wormtail; Uncle Peter Pettigrew, Padfoot; Dad, Sirius Black, and Prongs; Uncle James Potter, Harry's Dad. I remember Dad and Uncle Prongs telling Harry and myself stories about it and the mischief they got up to in their Hogwarts years" I answered, smiling slightly at the memory, they all gave me a sad smile,

"Think you remember what they said to close it?" Fred asked, I raised an eyebrow

"Yes...don't you?" I asked,

"No, they told us how to open it because they like the fact that we're troublemakers like themselves" Valeria answered,

"T-They talk to you?" I asked, they nodded, I sighed and withdrew my wand and held it against the parchment, "Mischief managed" I whispered and the ink faded away, I put my wand away, "Otherwise anyone can read it" I winked making them smile "And if you want it opening don't forget, you solemnly swear that you're up to no good" I chuckled making them laugh and pull me into a hug.

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