Chapter 25

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Dahlia's POV

"Morning!" Both sets of twins yelled waking me up, I sat up groaning, Aurora and Valeria had stayed at Weasleys last night because we were all going to the Quidditch World Cup,

"I hate you all" I mumbled rubbing my eyes, they laughed at me as they left the room, I got washed and changed before going down to the kitchen and having breakfast, we finally were able to set off, after Ron and Harry got out of bed

"Hey Dad. Where are we going?" Ron asked,

"Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" Arthur yelled before we met up with a friend of his,

"Arthur. It's about time, son" he greeted,

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry" Arthur introduced before Cedric Diggory dropped out of the tree, "And this must be Cedric" Arthur stated shaking his hand, Ginny and Hermione exchanged a look and smile, while Aurora lightly shoved Valeria, who was blushing and laughing, we arrived at a Portkey, everyone circled around it before grabbing hold of it, we let go of it and fell to the ground, I groaned as I landed on top of Harry,

"Getting a little close to Harry there D" Fred teased as I got off him and helped him up, I shoved Fred to the ground making him laugh as he got up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Oh come on Dahlia, I was only messing around" He smiled making me shake my head and smile, we arrived at our tent,

"Home sweet home" Arthur announced before he entered it with us following, "Ron get out of the kitchen" Arthur demanded as the Twins and myself sat down,

"Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron" The twins repeated,

"Feet off the table!" Arthur scolded the twin,

"Feet off the table" They repeated as they took them off before putting them back on making me shake my head laughing.


It was time for the match to begin and we were making our way to our seats,

"How far are we up?" Ron asked,

"Well, put it this way; If it rains you'll be the first to know" Someone commented from below us, I turned and saw Malfoy with Lucius, "Father and I are in the Ministers box by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself" Malfoy bragged, I glared at the both of them,

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people" Lucius scolded as he nudged him, my fists clenched along with my jaw as I went towards him, Aurora and Valeria grabbed hold of me making me turn to them,

"Calm down" Valeria whispered, I sighed before turning to continue our way to our seats when Lucius stopped me by catching my jacket with his cane,

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can" He smirked,

"What's that suppose to mean?" Harry asked before he let go of me and we left for our seats.


We arrived back at our tent,

"Krum! Krum! Krum!" Everyone chanted before Fred and George put me on their shoulders making me laugh while Valeria and Aurora danced around us, there was an explosion outside causing Arthur to go investigate,

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on" Aurora exclaimed,

"Stop! Stop it!" Arthur yelled as he entered the tent, the twins put me down "It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here. Now!" He ordered, I got my wand in my hand before following the twins outside with Hermione and Ginny close behind me,

"Get out! It's the Death Eaters!" Someone screamed,

So, that's what Lucius meant.

I continued to follow them into the Forrest, a Death Eater came towards Ginny so I pulled her behind me,

"Reducto!" I jinxed aiming my wand at them, they obviously didn't expect it as it hit them,

"Dahlia!" Arthur scolded as I got pulled over to them, I did a quick headcount,

"Where's Harry?" I asked,

"We must've got separated" Hermione answers making my face drop, I shifted into an Eagle and took off into the air, ignoring their protests, I scoured the area before I spotted him, laying on the ground, I flew down to him and shifted back.

"Harry. Harry" I whispered shaking him, he came around from his unconscious state,

"Dahlia" He smiled,

"Morsemordre!" I heard someone yell in the distance, I looked in the sky to see the Dark Mark forming, I looked over to see a guy coming towards us, I aimed my wand at them preparing to attack,

"Harry!" I heard Arthur yell in the distance,

"Dahlia!" The twins screamed making me sigh as it scared the guy off so I put my wand away and helped Harry up,

"Over here!" I called out, they ran over to us and the twins pulled me into a group hug.

"Don't run off ever again" Aurora scolded making me laugh as they pulled away,

"We're serious. You could've died" Valeria snapped, I lowered my head staring at the ground I was kicking,

"Come on now girls" George sighed,

"She's safe and alive that's all that matters" Fred commented, I lifted my head giving off a weak smile.

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