Chapter 1

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Saki Maeda. Seen as the true definition of beauty. The holder of gorgeous purple hair, pearly blue eyes and a sweet smile that melts the hearts of men on sight. She's known and loved by all. Not one guy would struggle to point her out in a crowd. 

However, while also beautiful and well liked, Saki was known to be, well, very shy. She doesn't have many friends, is extremely quiet and almost nobody knows what she's truly like, besides another shy, quiet girl - Rin Takahashi. As nobody knew her true personality and her voice was not often heard, many people called her the "Silent Angel." And I, for the first time, was able to talk to the angel herself.

It was a normal morning for me. I got out of bed, groaning. Looking out the window, I saw clouds covering parts of the otherwise bright blue September sky. School girls were laughing as they walked down the quiet street. I turned around, looking at my clock; it read "17th September, 7:12am". Crap, I was getting late. I walked out of my bedroom, and into the bathroom. I gazed into the mirror and my blue eyes, gazed back. My hair, a lightish brown colour, was a mess, but I ignored it and continued to get myself ready for the day ahead.

I walk into the kitchen. Mum was already gone for work, but she had left a red bento box filled for me. "Thanks.." I say with a smile, and pick up the bento, along with a cereal bar. The bento went into my bag, and I walked out with the cereal bar in my mouth. I'd probably walked for about ten minutes before I heard a familiar voice.

"H-hey.. M-Mako..."

I looked to the side to see a very out of breath girl. The girl in question was my childhood best friend, Haru Suzuki. A friendly and cheerful girl with really cool wavy green hair. I couldn't help but smile as I saw her.

"Morning, Haru." I patted her head gently. She always says how much she loves it when I do that.

"Ah, I love when you do that."

Point proven.

"Mako, did you watch last night's episode of Infinity?"

"Yeah! I was waiting for that fight for months!"

"Same!" Haru smiled brightly. Despite her looks, she's kind of a sci-fi nerd when it comes to TV.
Luckily for her, I am too.

The rest of the walk to school went by peacefully, and pretty normally, honestly. Me and Haru just spoke about whatever came into our minds, and laughed pretty much the whole way to school. I guess we got a few stares from the amount of fun we were having, but it's fine. Besides, we were pretty much inseparable, apart from the fact we were in completely different classes.

I eventually walked into my own class. I don't really have any friends, other than Haru, so I just sat down in my seat at the back. I looked around. Girls were squealing, guys were laughing. As I looked over at the girls, Maeda came into my mind. Who actually was she? What is she like? Why is she like that?

How is she so beautiful?

As I zoned back in, I realised class had started. I guess those questions will be saved for another time.

At some point, I was called to grab some supplies from the next classroom over. As I walked in, I was met with a brilliant, yet intimidating surprise.


She was standing at the side, next to this classroom's drawers. Now that I actually saw her, I realised that she's almost the same height as me, but her space buns made her seem taller.

Anxiously, I entered the classroom. She seemed to have heard me, as she turned around when she saw me. She seemed... worried. I didn't know what to say.

"S-sorry, M-Maeda-san..."

Well done, Makoto. You're in the same room as a beautiful girl, and that's the best you could come up with?

She seemed even more worried as I said that, and she went red and quickly shook her head.

"N-no, it's... sorry.. sorry.." she struggled to speak, and looked away in embarrassment.


I suddenly felt a giant wave of guilt fall upon me. Is she okay? Did I scare her?

Should I ask her?

I took a deep breath.

"No.. don't apologise." I spoke softly, with a gentle smile. This wasn't like me, talking to people I'd never spoken to in my life. It felt... oddly good.

As I said that, Maeda turned and looked at me with her pretty blue eyes. They felt safe, and kind. She smiled at me in relief. A smile that could melt the heart of men, they say. Before I knew it, I was sweating. But somehow, I felt confident.

"Did I scare you, Maeda-san?"

Maeda smiled slightly more, and laughed.

"N-no... I'm okay."

That laugh. I never knew such an adorable sound could come from a human. My heart was racing, I had never felt like this.

"S-sorry to ask, b-but, what is y-your name..?"

I started sweating even more. My heart felt like it would fly out of my chest any second now. Did the famous Maeda just ask me, the quiet Makoto, for my name?

"M-Makoto. Makoto Akiyasu. But y-you can call me Mako."

"Nice to meet you, M-Mako..-chan. You can call me.. S-Saki."

Her given name? She'd really let me call her Saki? And "-chan"?
This felt like my entire life's peak.

"Nice to meet you too.. Saki-chan."

"Chan"? Why did I say that? I kicked myself internally, fearing her response.
To my surprise, however, she blushed slightly.

"W-well, I should g-get back to class..." she quickly says. "B-b-bye.. Mako-ch-chan."

And with that, she quickly, yet gracefully, walked out, grabbing a box of paper on the way out.

I slowly lift my hand and pinch myself. There was no possible way I just spoke to the silent angel. She was so... beautiful. Her voice was so soft and gentle, and the way she gracefully grabbed the paper..

Oh, crap.

I suddenly remembered why I actually left class in the first place, and quickly ran out.

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