Chapter 12

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"... sleeping pills?"


"I was with her the entire evening before, and she didn't."

"Okay. Did she eat anything?"

"She ate a cake our friend... gave us..."

Rin's cake.

There was no way.

"Okay. I might have to call you again soon, but I think you were right."

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Saki Maeda may have been murdered."

"... I see. I'm going now."

"Have a good Christmas."

I hung up the phone, and slipped it back into my pocket.

I didn't fully process what we spoke about on the phone. The only thing I cared about right now was Saki.

I just wished I didn't have to say goodbye yet.

I spent the majority of my winter break in my bedroom. My mum was off work; she was helping me recover. But as much as I would have liked to, I couldn't. I couldn't even look at the bathroom door without crying. I barely ate, and barely drank. I found it difficult to speak. However, I realised I couldn't stay in my bedroom all the time, and reluctantly decided to go back after the new year.

The new year.

Another day I should have been spending with Saki.

I walked into school on the first day back, fully knowing how bad I looked and sounded. I was getting many stares as I walked through the hall on that cold morning. A few people even came up and asked me how I was. Although it was kind of them, it was too difficult for me to answer.

I walked into class, and it instantly fell silent. As I walked to my seat, I realised people were staring at me with concerned looks plastered on their faces.

I sighed, and put my face on my desk. What else did I expect from coming in?


I instantly looked up. A group of boys were laughing.

Of course it wouldn't be Saki. What was I thinking?

One of the boys walked up to me. The boy in question was Ryogi Hamada. Tall, with short black hair and a large build. Known as loud, athletic...

And a total piece of shit.

"Still crying over your girlfriend?" he said with a laugh.

Shut up.

"You know she deserved it. For making all the guys distracted in class. She was asking to be fucked."

Shut up.

"I can't believe you even dated such a fake fucking slut. You wanted her for her body."


"They all do, and you know it."


I stood up. I couldn't take this anymore. I had my fists clenched as I made direct eye contact with him. He was a good 15cm taller than me.

"Maeda-san didn't deserve you."

I snapped.

I raised my fist and sent it straight into the side of his face. A sharp pain shot up my arm as Hamada fell to the ground. I was breathing heavily and adrenaline rushed through me, but I ran out of class.

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