Chapter 2

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It had been a few hours since my encounter with Saki, yet I still felt dizzy thinking about it. At the same time, a new feeling was engulfing me, one that I'd never felt before.

I needed to talk to her again.

I mean, I'm sure it's okay, right? We were acquainted now. I'd spoken to her earlier, so surely it wouldn't be weird to talk to her again?

... talk to Saki again..



Ah, crap. I was thinking out loud.

It was lunch, and I was sitting with Haru on the floor of the school roof. The clouds had scattered, and the sky was a beautiful bright blue. Wind was lightly blowing. The sun was shining brightly over the school; I felt warm, comfortable, safe.

Safe, yet tense.

"Mako... what are you saying..?"

I turned to face Haru. She was sitting with her legs bent, her left arm around them. A sandwich was in her right.

"Ah.. I guess I was thinking out loud." I laughed slightly; I should be more careful about things like this.

"Were you thinking about Maeda-san?"

"I.. uh.. yeah." Sweat started to pour out. This was embarassing. "I... I spoke to her. I was getting supplies from another class, and, well, I spoke to her."

Haru burst out into laughter. "Boys are always so embarrassed around her!"

This was even more embarrassing. I could feel a slight blush coming on, and I quickly turned away.

"You know, Mako, you could just talk to her again."

"But.. she's-"

My face was suddenly jerked to the left. Haru had grabbed my face and pointed it towards her. She was quite... close.

"Dude, don't be so embarrassed!" She smiled brightly at me, and honestly, it lifted my spirits. "If you like her, talk to her! Besides, Haru-sensei will always be here to help!"

Haru lets go, and smiles even brighter. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Thanks, but I don't like Saki that way."

The door to the roof opened, but I didn't take notice of who walked in. Haru looked over in the direction of the door, and her expression suddenly changed to one that clearly said "this can't seriously be happening".

"Haru, is everything okay?"


There was no doubt about it. That undeniably sweet, soft voice. A voice that was so angelic, it was almost unbelievable that it really existed.


I turned around slowly, my heart suddenly racing. Her posture was so beautiful, so elegant. She had her arms beside her, and one of her legs were slightly in front of the other. Saki was wearing a very mixed expression; one which was a combination of relief, worry, embarassment and joy.

"Maed- I mean... Saki-chan..."

Sentences weren't forming in my brain. My heart began to race even more. I began to sweat even more. Today must be my lucky day...

"H-hi..!" She smiled weakly at me, but her eyes were looking to the left. She gently brushed her hair out of the way.


I was completely lost for words.

Haru stood up suddenly. I didn't expect it, it surprised me slightly and I jumped back.

"Sorry, Mako, but I'm going now." She smiled brightly at me and winked. I suddenly felt a chill go down my spine...

"O-okay.. Bye, Haru.."

I even struggled talking to my best friend. Saki's beauty has some power.

Haru walked past Saki and through the door. A gust of wind slammed it shut, behind her. Saki was still standing in her place, unsure about what to do next.

"Mako-chan.. c-can I sit... n-next to you..?"

Saki looked at me, and once again, our eyes met. Looking into her eyes felt like...

It felt like I was in heaven.

"Y-yeah, of c-course.."

I struggled to even reply to her question. It was scary to think that the Silent Angel would be sitting next to me.

She slowly walked over, and sat down gracefully. Every step she took hypnotised me even more.

Calm down, Makoto, calm down. You don't even know what she's like inside.

Maybe I should try and talk to her..?

I took a deep breath, and gained some confidence. She's just another person, think of her like your friend; like Haru!

"Saki-chan, I've never seen you come here.."

Saki went red. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt, it's just that Rin isn't here and I didn't know where else to go, so I thought I could come up here, then I saw you, and.. and.." She blurted that entire sentence out, then looked away. I couldn't quite tell, but I thought I saw tears forming...

Guilt crashed down on me like a tsunami.

"No, Saki-chan! I didn't mean it like that! You can stay here! I'm sorry."

She looked back at me. Her eyes were indeed teary, but she wiped them gently with a tissue.

"D-do you mean that..?" She had a gentle, yet sad look in her eyes.

"Of course." I smiled gently.

Saki smiled gently back. My heart started racing again. My second time ever talking to her, and I almost made her cry...

But she was smiling at me. A beautifully gentle, warm, compassionate smile.

"Thank you, Mako-chan. You're really kind."

The Silent Angel...

Just called me kind.

I couldn't help but blush. Her three kind words dug deep into my heart.

I felt something suddenly in my stomach. Something different. Something new.

Is this love?

"Mako-chan, thank you."

"...for what?"

"For being the first boy to be kind to me."


"Yeah... boys only talk to me for my b-b-body. I just wish I was known for who I am.. not what I look like."

This couldn't be true.. right?

Does nobody seriously see her as more than just a beautiful lady? Has nobody ever worried about her before?

Is Saki even liked for anything but her looks..?

Now I was tearing up. I felt incredibly bad. I never knew it was like this.

Saki looked at me with a sad smile. Her bright blue eyes were shining, and she had such a delicate expression.

"I'm sorry, Saki-chan..."

"It's okay... I just believe personality defines a person more than anything. If a beautiful person's personality is wretched, why do they deserve any more love than a less beautiful person with a more lovely personality?"

Saki's words were oddly enchanting. The way she spoke was so soft, yet emotional. She didn't sound shy at all, yet what she spoke truly touched me. Tears rolled down my red cheeks; I quickly wiped them off.

"I know what you mean. Saki-chan, you have a beautiful personality. I know we've barely spoken, but your words..."

My brain suddenly stopped functioning. The more I thought about her, the more I repeated her words in her mind...

The more I realised I was already in love with her.

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