Chapter 5

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Another week passed. Slowly but surely, I became closer friends with Saki and Rin, and even Haru started to talk to them. Saki was smiling a lot these days, but each time, her gorgeous smile just gave me more and more butterflies. Rin was also nice, and she always seemed happy when me and Haru were around. Seeing these three girls like this was constantly filling me with joy, and every day was getting better and better.

On the other hand, as a result, I wasn't able to talk to Saki as much. However, I felt guilty for thinking that.

What if she doesn't want to talk to me?

No, Makoto. Don't think like that. It's after school now. Maybe I can talk to her at some point. Rin is helping in the library, and Haru is at a club. Yes, this would be perfect.


I was standing outside, debating whether I should find Saki or not, when I heard the angel herself call out to me. After hanging out with her for a few weeks now, I felt so much better talking to her. I turned around, and saw her smiling brightly at me. It was like looking at a giant piece of gold in a sea of copper. My heart started racing, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. She ran up to me with a smile still on her face.

"Hey, Saki-chan!"

"Hi!" She was wearing a dark blue jacket, buttoned up to her neck. I couldn't help but look at how amazing she looked in it. However, she suddenly blushed and looked to the side slightly.

"Mako-chan... c-could we maybe... walk home together..? Rin is helping out in the library.. and.. and..."

I was dumbfounded. Saki, asking me, to walk home with her? My heart began to race and I could feel myself beginning to sweat.

I subtly pinched myself; this is exactly what I always wanted.

"O-of course..!"

She smiled gently, still looking away.

This girl... is truly beautiful.

Saki slowly started to walk towards the exit. I quickly followed her as she began her journey home.

For around ten minutes, neither of us spoke a word. Saki was red and looking the other way the entire time. I was too nervous to even start a conversation. Suddenly, Saki broke the silence.

"Mako-chan... I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry..?"

"I didn't mean to force you to come with me. It's just... I'm scared."

Scared? I looked over to Saki, she was still red and looking away.

"What's wrong?" I said gently.

Saki took a deep breath before answering.

"Ever since my parents moved to work... I've been terrified of everything and everyone."

She paused, and took another deep breath, before looking at me and answering.

"Since I was about three, my parents worked in a big company as top businessmen, and I only ever saw different babysitters. I didn't see my parents often, and when I did, they were always so busy with work that they never took notice of me. The only person I was truly able to talk to was Rin."

"By the time I was thirteen, my father had a promotion that resulted in them both moving to Australia. They left me here in Japan. Their last words to me were 'You're a Maeda, Saki. You will learn to live yourself'."

Saki was tearing up. She was no longer red, but her face showed only sadness.

"I still remember them walking out my front door for the last time. Not once did they turn back to look at me. They left without another word, and I haven't spoken to them since."

"After they moved out, people began pointing me out as 'pretty'. It was the only thing people would see me as. Women of all ages would try to tell me to 'kill myself' because I don't deserve the looks. Men of all ages would try to talk to me, saying things like 'Maeda, you're so hot' and 'Maeda, your looks will be wasted without a guy like me'."

"One day about two months ago, a group of maybe eighteen-year-old men saw me walking out of a shop while I was buying groceries. They approached me... and... and..."

Tears ran down her face quickly. Saki looked down and covered her face with her hands. She quietly started sobbing, but within seconds, she was crying loudly in the middle of the street.

I didn't know what to do. Her story left tears in my eyes. I wanted to hug her tightly; I wanted to tell her it's all okay. But I couldn't bring myself to. I gulped, and patted her head softly, trying not to touch her space buns.

All of a sudden, Saki grabbed me, and hugged me tightly. She continued to sob into my shoulder. I hugged her back, gently patting her as she cried.

"It's okay... it's okay.."

My heart was racing and I could feel the butterflies again, but I couldn't allow myself to be flustered. Tears began to gently fall out of my eyes.

I'm sorry Saki.

I wish I knew you then, to help you through this.

Saki stayed in my arms for around five minutes, before slowly letting go. Her eyes were red from crying, and her face had tear marks running down it.

"I'm sorry, Mako-chan.. I didn't mean to do that..."

"Saki-chan... it's okay. I promise it is."

She gently smiled at me, and sniffled.

"You're so kind."

I returned the smile. I think I cheered her up...


"What I meant to say earlier was, as I came out, they followed me. They tried to follow me home and.. maybe kidnap me."

She sighs heavily, and takes another deep breath. "When I finally lost them, I ran straight home. I hid in my bedroom and locked my door and window in fear the men would come for me again. I've been so scared to walk home since."

"But thank you, Mako-chan. I was so worried I would have to walk home alone."

She was smiling gently at me, but more tears were in her eyes. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Saki-chan, if you ever need help with anything, I'll be there for you."

Saki blushed, but then laughed slightly, while looking away. Even though she had just cried, she was always able to look perfect.

"Well... there is one thing I would like."

"What would that be?"

Saki pulled her phone out from her pocket. After a few seconds of tapping things, she held out the phone.

"I would like your phone number.. so we could talk more. I m-mean, if that's okay with you..!"

My heart raced more, and I began to sweat again. Saki was looking at me expectantly. I blushed slightly, smiled, and filled in my number. As I did so, I could see Saki smiling brightly.

I tapped 'save contact' and handed the phone back. I looked around; not a single person was on the street. It felt odd.

Saki didn't seem to notice, and she continued on the walk home. I followed her, slightly behind. There was a slight skip in her step, and I could tell she was smiling. She never failed to fill me with joy.

About half an hour later, we arrived at the Maeda residence. Although her parents were big businessmen, her house seemed more normal sized. From the outside, however, it seemed cozy.

Saki smiled at me; a slight blush was on her face. "Thanks again for walking with me..."

I smiled slightly back. "It's all okay. I'm heading home now. Have a good evening."

Her smile faded slightly. "Y-yeah.. I'll see you tomorrow."

I really didn't want to leave her, but I knew my mum would be worried sick. I walked down the road, when her story started appearing in my mind again.


I promise, I will protect you whenever I can.

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