Chapter 17

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"You're lying. There's no way..."

"Mako... I'm not lying."

I was completely shocked.

My legs wouldn't move.

My heart pouded.

I felt dizzy.

"Haru... it's not cool to joke about this..."

There was no way.

"I'm sorry. I can't hold it in any longer."

"Haru... why... why..."

She sighed heavily.

"I guess I should start from the very beginning."

"We've been friends since we were super young, and you know that. I've never looked at anyone in the way I looked at you. Mako, you were always so kind and happy. I envied you, I always wanted to be like you. As kids, when we played together, I always wanted to do what you did. You were so cool in my eyes."

"And you still are to this day."

"I will never forget that day when we were twelve. Our families went to the beach together. They were talking and we were playing in the water. The waves were large, and I wanted to go further into the sea because it looked so fun."

"But I went too far, and a wave pulled me back. I never forgot how it felt to drown, knowing there was nothing you can do except accept your fate. But then, I was jerked upwards. You pulled me out of the water and brought me back. I still don't know how you did it, but you saved me. And I'll never forget that day."

"Since that day, I always wanted to be with you. I saw you as some kind of guardian angel, like someone who would protect me forever."

"But that day you spoke to Saki-chan, I lost it. I don't know why. I heard your conversation on the roof. About how she wanted to be seen for her personality. Hearing that made me cry... because that's how I also felt. I have a few friends, but they were mainly because I'm good at maths. Mako, you were always kind to me."

"That day, I wanted to see what she was really like. I already knew Rin-san, since she was in one of my classes, and we had spoken a bit before. I asked her to give me her address, and when I went home, I wrote a love letter to see what she would say."

"But then, I started to feel more and more jealous. I wrote out more letters, but each one with you in mind. I wrote a code into them and decided to put one inside her mailbox every day. I ran to her house quickly that evening, and dropped it into her mailbox."

"Although, I soon realised she was never recieving them. Saki-chan had that old style red mailbox, and someone kept removing the letters. I started doing it in the morning instead, still to no avail."

"I was getting desperate. By now, you two were really close and I felt like I was being pushed back. And all I wanted was to talk to you, to hug you, to cuddle with you and watch movies, and maybe... maybe even be loved by you. But it was around now that I realised something; Rin-chan was in love with me."

"She confessed to me one evening after school, a few days after you began to date Saki-chan. She looked really cute when she did it, she brought a note and flowers and everything. But her confession didn't touch my emotions one bit. In fact, it annoyed me more than anything. That's when I realised something."

"Rin would do whatever I asked for me."

"I promised her one day where she could do anything she wanted with me, if she helped me get with you. I came up with the plan for the fake confession and the cake, but she didn't know what I planned for that weekend."

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