Chapter 3

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Nothing really notable happened afterwards, for a few days actually. Me and Saki ended up eating lunch together, talking every so often. Every time she smiled, I felt my heart melt more. Such a beautiful soul...

After lunch, I went back to class, then later walked home with Haru. I guess I let slip that Saki is, well, perfect. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, because the evil Haru teased me the entire way home.

The next week went pretty much the same as always - wake up, go to school, get home, sleep. I spent the entire weekend binging movies, but the whole time, I couldn't get one thing out of my mind.


I really needed to talk to her.

It was another normal Wednesday, and Haru wasn't at school; she had texted me saying she was sick earlier. That left me stuck on what to do at lunch. To make matters worse, it was raining heavily, leaving the roof pretty much off limits for me. Walking down the corridor, I saw many people.

Yet the one person I wanted to see... I did not.

However, as I turned the corner, a fairly short girl with reddish-orange hair tied into two ponytails, thin glasses and pretty grey eyes walked into me. She stepped back, surprised. As I looked at her, I suddenly realised who this girl was.

Saki's best friend, Takahashi. I was already acquainted with her, as we had a few classes together, but we didn't really talk and we definitely were not friends.

I suddenly struggled to speak, but I quickly realised I should apologise.

"S-s-sorry, T-Takahashi-san."

"N-no, it's okay, Akiyasu-kun." The girl smiled gently at me, whilst adjusting her glasses. "I... I actually was hoping I would be able to speak to you."

"Speak to me? What about...?"


Saki? Was Takahashi one of those jealous people who doesn't let their friends talk to anyone? I gulped slightly.

"What about her..?"

"She said she would like to talk to you again." She smiled again, almost like a proud mother. "Saki would not stop talking about how you were as kind as you were."

My brain stopped, my heart started racing and I began to sweat.


Was talking about me...

In a good way?

And she wanted to see me again?

I pinched myself; there was no possible way this could be real.

"Akiyasu-kun?" Takahashi looked at me in confusion.

"Oh.. s-sorry. That w-was just... so s-sweet of her." I blushed as I said that, and I couldn't help but smile.

Takahashi smiled again, and laughed gently. "Would you like to eat lunch with me and her today?"

I took a step back in surprise. I did not expect to hear those words. My heart pounded more. Seriously, this had to be a dream.

Either that, or I was in heaven.

"I- um.. y-yes.. th-that sounds.. g-great..!"

I was barely able to even say that.

"Come with me, then." She started walking round the corner, the way I came from. I quietly followed her, but inside, I was completely burning up. My heart continued to race more and more as we approached the classroom where Saki was.

Takahashi walks in. "Saki! We're going to be joined by someone for lunch today!" She took a seat next to Saki.

I guess that was my cue to walk in.

As I entered, I saw Saki sitting on a seat next to the window. As she saw me, she instantly went red, and looked away, while gently brushing a hair out of the way of her eye.

How was she so beautiful, even when she was so embarrassed?

"H-hi... Mako-chan.."

"S-Saki-chan... h-hey..!" I slowly approached, my heart pounding increasingly as I did so. As I took each step, Saki seemed to go more red, and I slowly sat down on the other side of her. She slowly looked up at me, and our eyes met once again.

I was in heaven, once again.

Saki stopped blushing, and smiled warmly at me. Another beautiful, warm smile that made me feel safe and comfortable. I smiled gently back, and she looked down, taking out a bento box. It was wrapped in a blue cloth, and was coloured red and black.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed Takahashi take a dark grey book out of her bag. "Arisa Kurisu" was the author, and from a first glance, it seemed like a murder mystery book. Takahashi definitely seemed like that type.

I took my bento out as well. Just as I opened the lid, I heard a gentle voice.

"Mako-chan, we have the same lunch!" It was followed by a sweet laugh. A beautiful, adorable laugh. A laugh that sent my heart racing again.

I turned to Saki. Her face was as bright as the sun.

"Yeah.. your bento looks really nice!" I said to her softly. Saki went red again, but smiled beautifully. Takahashi looked up from her book.

I suddenly remembered Haru. She always loves having her head patted. Out of instinct, I lifted my arm and gently patted Saki's head, making sure I didn't touch her space buns. Her face went even redder, and she quickly turned away.

Did I do something wrong?

"S-sorry.. Saki-chan.."

She was still turned away. Takahashi had a grin on her face.

I didn't know what to do or say. Is she okay?

Why is it, I upset her every time I meet her?

"Mako-chan.. that was the kindest thing any boy has ever done to me."


Was she not upset then..?

Takahashi was looking at her book again. Something felt wrong here.

Saki turned back to look at me. She was tearing up, but she was smiling brighter than the sun. I felt my entire heart explode and I began to tear up too.

"Saki, Akiyasu-kun, are both of you okay?"

I looked over to Takahashi, she seemed concerned. Her eyes had a serious glint in them. I smiled gently.

"I'm okay, Takahashi-san." I turned back to Saki. "Saki-chan.. are you okay?"

Her smile was as bright and beautiful as the rest of her. She gently and elegantly wiped her tears. "I'm okay. I've... never been better."

Saki answered in her soft voice with a a reassuing tone. So reassuring, that I almost felt like she was hugging me with her words. I could feel my heart race again.

Takahashi smiled. "I'm glad. By the way, Akiyasu-kun, could I talk to you outside for a minute?"

Her sudden question caught me off guard. "Sure..."

I stood up gently. Saki was watching me with possibly the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I blushed, and quickly exited the room.

What does Takahashi suddenly want..?

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