Chapter 6

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After that night, me and Saki began to text while we were at home. Even online, could feel her grace and beauty in her messages. Meanwhile, at school, the mood was still the same. Another week passed; Haru, Rin, Saki and me were only getting closer. We were hanging out every lunch time. Saki was happy, Rin was happy, Haru was happy.

And I was happy.

It was a sunny Friday afternoon, and we were all sitting on the roof against a wall. Haru was sitting to my right with a sandwich in her right hand, and a bottle of cola in her left. She had her head pointed up into the sky, seemingly enjoying the beautiful view. On my left, the angel herself, Saki, was sitting cross-legged with her  bento box resting gently between her thighs. She was quietly eating from the bento, occasionally looking up at us three. Rin was on the other side of Saki; her gaze fixed on to her book, another murder mystery novel. Although she had food, she wasn't touching it.

None of us were really talking; we were all just eating our lunch. That is, until Saki decided to break the silence.

"Rin-chan, Mako-chan, Haru-chan? Could we hang out together this weekend?"

Rin looked up from her book, and smiled. "I would love to. All four of us have not done anything like that before."

I also smiled. Mainly because I enjoyed my time with these girls, but also because of one other thing.


"I'm down. Saki-chan, what were you thinking of doing?" I ask.

Saki looked up at me with a bright smile. Her beautiful pearly blue eyes were shining with excitement.

"Why don't we just go to the mall?" She quickly turned away. "I mean... if you don't mind.."

I hear a laugh from my right.

"Saki-chan, you don't need to be so embarrassed. I'm definitely up for it, and I'm sure Mako and Rin-chan are too!" Haru said gently, also answering for me.

"Yeah, it sounds fun!" I say, smiling gently at Saki.

"I agree with Mako-kun." Rin was looking at her book again, but she was smiling brightly.

Saki looked back over at me and Haru, then over at Rin. "Thank you..!"

Haru smiled brightly back, and continued eating her sandwich.

"By the way, Saki-chan.." I said, a question sticking out in my mind.

"Hm?" She looked at me again with a bright smile.

"When and where should we meet?"

"How about... outside UNIQLO at 2pm tomorrow?"

That would be quite a walk. Maybe I could take a bus? I'd have to leave at about 1pm then.

But it's worth it to meet Saki.

"Sounds great!" I replied with a smile.

Saki smiled even brighter, and continued her lunch. That smile will never get old. Haru also smiled gently. Rin was still looking at her book.

School went on normally, and before I knew it, it was 2pm the following day. There were some clouds, in the sky, and it was slightly chilly for an October afternoon. I had a plain white jumper on, with a blue bomber jacket on top. As I approached the meeting point, I suddenly began to feel more and more anxious.

Why do I feel like this? I'm just going out with my friends.

My heart started to race as I approached. From the distance, I could see Rin, Haru...

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